Judaism unit three Moses and the exodus Flashcards
Moses ran away from eygpt bc he
killed a guard
The paraoh percuted the jews because
he was in fear of them uprising
Moses mother and sister sent him down the nile
Where he was taken by the pharaohs daughter
Moses asked for to stop but the pharoah denied
what did god send?
God sent 10 plagues the final one being the angel of death
What were the ten plagues
water into blood
death of life stock
boils on skin
hail storm
darkness over the land
and the death of first born sons
When the angel of death was sent jews were
instructed to paint their doors with lambs blood
what are 5 of the ten commandments
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honour your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
How does moses help jews to escape
Moses parts the waters of the Red Sea so he and the Israelites could flee Egypt and travel to the Promised Land