Judaism Flashcards
most jews are..
descendants of ancient israelites, the hebrews
the scattering of jews during the middle ages
hatred of jews, violence seen in the middle ages
jewish philosopher with plato and aristotle to biblical tradition, emphasized reason
jewish mysticism, knowing god through the heart/love
idea of personal relationship with god
support israel as its own nation after anti semitism of WW2, the call is shoah (calamity) not holocaust (burnt offering)
in 1984 israel was given its own nation
the state provided unity for jews but displaced others
modern divisions of jews
reform: society changes, judaism must adapt
orthodox: torah is standard
conservative: middle ground
jews and god relationship
covenant between god and the people
“instruction” or “law”
- 1st of 5 books of bible
- presents laws, prophets, prayers, stories
- was revealed to moses
history of jews
was important because god was directly involved in guiding and caring for creation
the 1st-7th century was the classical period
sanctification of life
life sanctified through moment to moment observance of torah
-observing torah is worship and ethical
main worship in home and synagoge
highly religious part of week, rest, worship, celebration
annual holy days and initiation rites to ensure unity and continuity of jewish traditions and faith
jesus of nazareth king of the jews
no vowels, never expressed whole name
3 major religions
christianity, islam, judaism–smallest
theme of redeption
- last of 10 plagues in egypt during exodus
- people relive and experience freedom which the jews of the exodus gained
- celebrates triumph of light over dark, purity over adulteration, spirituality over materiality
- sub for xmas
- menorah
- miracle of oil
- dreidel game
celebration of people being delivered from evil
-read the story of esther vs haman who wanted to send the jews away
- on the 10th day the Babylonians sieged Jerusalem and the holy temple was destroyed
- the people were exiled to Babylonia
- last fast day of hanukah
- minor fast–sunrise to nightfall with no additional physical constraints
jewish wedding
- bride and groom dont see each other for a week before the wedding
- solid gold band to wife
- smash bottle to break old life
- celebrates fall harvest and people wandering desert
- dwell in booths where they eat, entertain, and sleep
rosh Hashanah
- head of the year, anniversary of adam and eve
- candle lighting, blessing apples and honey, rams horn