Judaism Flashcards
What are the 3 characteristics Jews understand God as, and what do they mean
Omnipotent - All powerful
Omniscient - All knowing
Omnipresent - Everywhere
Why do Jews believe that God is a Lawgiver
Jews believe that the given laws by God are to help guide their behavior
Why do Jews believe that God is a Judge
Jews believe that God is a judge because they are judged by God based on how they follow his given Laws
What do Jews believe why God gave us free will
Jews believe that God wants us to make our own decisions and make the right decisions by following the Mitzvot
What is the Mitzvot
The Mitzvot is the Jewish book of Laws
Define Shekinah
Shekinah is the term used describe God’s divine presence
What is the Shema
The Shema is the Jewish prayer which consists of 3 paragraphs taken from the Torah
What is God’s name replaced as in some Hebrew Scriptures
Explain how Jew’s understand God as Monotheistic
- God is a single, whole, individual being
- God is the only being who should be praised and worshipped
- God is the source of all Jewish beliefs and values
- Everything in the universe has been created by one God
What is the day of rest called in Judaism
On which day does the Jewish day of rest occur on
The 7th day of the week
T/F Jews believe that respecting the world is equivalent to respecting God
Why do Jews think that free will is given to them
Because they think that instead of challenging God, they ought to challenge themselves
How many laws are in the Mitzvot
T/F Some Jews believe that the Mitzvot is a way to connect with God
Under what two sections is the Mitzvot split into
They are split into 248 do’s and 365 dont’s
T/F All Jews must follow all Mitzvot laws
False, some laws are only for male or women
Name 2 Jewish festivals
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur
What happens at a Jewish festival
At a Jewish festival, Jews seek for forgiveness and reflect on the mistakes they have made
Where do Jews believe was the House of God
The Temple in Jerusalem
When was the Temple in Jerusalem destroyed
What does the Torah consist of
The Torah consists of stories where Jews encountered God
What do Jews do as a sign of grief
They tear their clothes
What does the Torah focus on
The Torah focuses on making life holy and meaningful
What is the most important Jewish idea
It is to live accordingly to the Torah
Where do Jews believe that ‘Good’ people go to after they die
Gan Eden
What is Sheol
Sheol is a place where Jews believe is a ‘fixing zone’ to cleanse themselves to eventually go to Heaven
Who do Jews believe the Messiah will be a descendant of
King David
Why do Jews believe that Jesus is not the Messiah
They believe that Jesus did not full fill the prophecies of the Hebrew Bible
What does the term Messiah mean
Messiah means anointed one
What is the term used to describe the time ruled by a Messiah
Messianic Age
T/F The Messiah will be a son of God
False, he will not
What do Jews believe the Messiah will do
They believe that he will bring world peace, rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem and gather all Jews to the Land of Israel
What is the name of the Jewish prayer which expresses the oneness of God?
Which group of Jews reject the idea of a Messiah as a future king?
Reform Jews
What is the Jewish name for the commandments in the Torah?
Who did God make a covenant to ‘travel to a land that HE would show him
What is a covenant
A covenant is a promise made by God
What was the physical sign that Abraham agreed to in hid covenant with God
Explain the covenant at Canaan, with both perspectives
- God promised Abraham the father of many nations
- Through the act of circumcision to show commitment
- Abraham did this to prove his acceptance
- God made Abraham’s wife, Sarah, to conceive, despite her age
T/F After Abraham was circumcised, Sarah miraculously had children as a reward for Abraham’s commitment
True, Sarah went on to have 8 children
Where did Moses lead people from and to
Moses led people from Egypt to Mount Sinai
Name 2 things God gave to Moses at Mount Sinai
10 Commandments, Torah
What do some Jews believe will happen to the dead when the Day of Judgement arrives
That they will be resurrected
Name 3 ways that God’ spirit showed itself to Jews
- Pillar of fire
- Cloud in the desert
- In the tabernacle that Jews travelled with
What do Jews believe about the after life
- Jews agree there is an afterlife in Gan Eden
- You cannot change how your life is judged after death
- Some Jews believe that those who weren’t ‘good’ go to Sheol (a place where Jews believe is a ‘fixing zone’ to cleanse themselves to eventually go to Heaven)
Identify and explain two teachings common to Christianity and Judaism
Monotheism - Both religions believe in one God
God as creator - Both religions believe God created everything in the universe and took 6 days to make it, resting on the 7th
Why does the Torah not contain too much information on the after life
- Jews should focus on living accordingly to God
- God will send them to Gan Eden if they live a fulfilling life according to him
What are the Jewish views on The Messiah [origin]?
- The Messiah is the future leader of the Jews, he is expected to live on earth and bring peace to the world during the messianic age
- The messiah was promised by God though not the son
Summarise the Escape from Egypt
- Moses helped the Jews escape egypt into the desert.
- God unleashed 10 plagues on egypt allowing the Jews to escape.
- As they escaped Moses parted the red sea so that they could escape
What is Pikuach Nefesh?
- Saving a life
- Pikuach nefesh allows jews to break mitzvot in order to save a life.
- This is important as some mitzvot could prevent someone saving a life.
- For example, on shabbat Jews are prohibited from doing any work, this could prevent them saving a life.
What is Healing the World?
- Being involved in God’s work to sustain the world.
- Healing the world is brought about by an action that brings you closer to God
- For many Jews it motivates them to increase social justice
- For Example they may volunteer for a charity that helps the poor or protects the environment