Juanma Martinez pt.1 Flashcards
yo explicaré un poco sobre mi
I will tell you a little bit about myself
escucha atantamente
listen carefully
en este ejercicio
in this exercise
cómo decia antes
as I said before
has ido alguna vez a Madrid
have you ever been in Madrid
mi casa es pequeña
my home is small
me gusta donde vivo
I like where I live
mi casa no esté lejos de mi trabajo
my home is not far from my work
al lado de casa tengo un parque
there is a park next to my house
un encargado
una empresa grande
big company
tengo que entrar al trabajo temprano
I have to go to work early
sin embargo
sin embargo, me sigue gustando mi trabajo
however, I still like my job
nos vemos a menudo
we see each other often
mi hermano mayor
my older brother