jQuery Flashcards
Incorporate jQuery
Here contains library that can be inserted at the end of the body right before the closing body tag.
$.(‘ ‘)
This $ symbol means (document.querySelector || document.querySelectorAll )
Common Commands
$(‘query’).css(‘css-property’ , ‘css-value’);
$(‘query’).text(“Changes the text”) ———————-> Changes only text
$(‘query’).html(‘Changes the HTML’) ———————-> Changes the HTML as well
Attribute method in jQuery
$(‘query’).attr(‘attribute’ , “change to the attribute”); ———–> Changes the attribute
$(‘query’).attr(‘attribute’); ————————-> Gets the attribute
Click and Keypress Event Listener in jQuery
$(query).click(funtion ( ) { cond here } );
This will actually look through the whole document and attach event listener to the targeted query without needing to use for loop
$(query).keypress(funtion ( ) { cond here } ); ———–> Attach keypress event listener to targeted query.
$(query).keypress(funtion (event) { console.log(event.key); } ); —> Sends a console log about which key is pressed in the targeted query
Jquery doesnt need FOR loops — Problem?
Its not a problem, but we need to wrap our head around the fact that it will select all the elements being targeted at once - so when trying to manipulate an element, we might unintentionally be trying to access multiple elements at once - may lead to unexpected behavior or error.
So better to try and target element in brwoser console first before going ahead in the program.
General Event Listener?
$(query).on(‘event-type’ , function ( ) { code here } );
Here the event type can be any input from the here - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events
$(query).before( ) [ || after( ) || prepend( ) || append( ) ]
Before(‘html element’) -> adds element before targeted element
after -> adds element after targeted element
prepend -> adds element before targeted element BUT just after the opening tag of target element
append -> similar to prepend but after element and before close tag.
.remove( )
$(query).remove( ) —–> removes the element targeted.
query.hide( ), toggle( ), fadeout( )
hide( ) hides an element targeted.
toggle( ) toggles between show and hiding an element.
fadeOut( ) fades out an element to hidden state
fadeIn( ) makes an element appear with a fade in effect
fadeToggle( ) will toggle between fade out and fade in.
slideUp( )
slideDown( )
query.animate( )
Animate helps in animating numeric css.
Numeric CSS means CSS property with numeric values.
So something like color cant be animated.
But - margin, padding, opacity, height, width and so on can be changed.
Thing to note - if we want to input a percentage value like margin: 20% , the 20% is written as string.
Example - $(‘h1’).animate({margin: “20%””});
$(‘h1’).animate({font-size: 1.9rem});
Chaining animation effect
$(query).fadeIn( ).fadeOut( ).animate({css-property:css-value});
dot notation can be used to chain animation effect in jQuery easily.