JPR's Flashcards
1A - Donning PPE (Mandatory)
Don pants and boots (including suspenders) Don hood Don coat Don helmet Don gloves Complete within one minute
1B - Ropes, Knots, and Hoisting Tools (Mandatory)
Tie an approved knot for the tools or equipment selected (i.e. bowline, figure eight on a bite, clove hitch, half hitch, and becket or sheet bend)
Hoist or have hoisted a tool to a designated height
1C - Documentation, Standard, or Code
Locate a department SOP, NFPA standard, EMS protocol, member handbook or code
1D - Field reduction and Doff PPE
Perform field reduction of contaminants per AHJ standard practice
Explain or demonstrate AHJ process for returning PPE in an operational state
2A - Initiate Response
Verbalize how the alarm is received
Write proper address and nature of the emergency
Promptly contacts dispatch by radio indicating an alarm has been received
Informs dispatch that they are responding to the emergency
2B - Receive a Telephone Call
Ensure paper and pencils (or pens) are available
Answer the phone promptly
Identify himself/herself and the department to the caller
Take an appropriate message (i.e. date, time, caller, caller’s phone number, and person taking call)
Deliver message to transfer the call to the appropriate person
2C - Transmit on Radio
Determine there is no other radio traffic before transmitting (unless emergency traffic)
Speak calmly, clearly, distinctly and at a medium speed
Transmit a message that is brief, accurate and to the point
Identify who the message is addressed to
Identify the person or unit transmitting
Acknowledges information back from command (if applicable)
2D - Mayday Operations (Mandatory)
Use radio to call “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday”
Provide correct information during Mayday situations (as determined by AHJ)
Activate PASS device
Attempt self-rescue
Slow breathing to conserve air supply
5A - Check and Clean Equipment
Inspect/Clean face piece according to department policies
Inspect/Clean back plate/frame/harness assembly according to department policies
Inspect/Clean cylinder
Place in a ready state or report any deficiencies
Hand Tools Inspect Handle Inspect Head/Cutting Edge/Surface Clean Tool Place in a ready state or report any deficiencies
Clean ladder
Examine all beams, guides, halyard, cable, pawls, pulleys, rails, rungs, bolts, rivets, welds, heat indicator, and movable parts
Place in a ready state and report any deficiencies
Clean rope
Visually and physically inspect rope for damage
Place in a ready state and report any deficiencies
Salvage Equipment
Clean provided salvage equipment
Inspect equipment and identify damage
Place in a ready state and report any deficiencies
Ventilation Equipment (one selected)
Check fuel level
Check that appropriate guards are in place
Check starting
Place in a ready state and report any deficiencies
Check electric cords for damage if applicable
Check that appropriate guards are in place
Check starting
Place in a ready state and report any deficiencies
5B - Clean and Inspect Hose (Mandatory)
Inspect/Clean hose
Inspect/Clean couplings according to department guidelines
Dry hose
Place in ready state and report any deficiencies
Roll hose (straight, donut, twin donut, or self-locking twin donut as chosen by proctor)
Reload hose: (Pre-connect and Supply Line)
3A - Don SCBA and Emergency Procedures (Mandatory)
Correctly don SCBA including checking amount of air in cylinder and operation of low air alarm and PASS device
Correctly don face piece including checking seal and operating of exhalation
Have all PPE correctly in place
Correctly accomplish all the above in one minute
Demonstrate controlled breathing
Recognize Air Delivery System failure
Initiates actions to exit hazardous environment
Activates PASS Device
Properly demonstrates ability to change out empty cylinder with full cylinder
Demonstrate the ability to maneuver through a restricted passage while remaining on air
3B - Respond on Apparatus
Mount fire apparatus
Correctly use all protective equipment furnished
Look for hazards before stepping off vehicle
Safely dismount
3C - Scene Safety
Properly dismounts apparatus with PPE correctly worn
Size-up emergency scene for hazards
Identify potential hazards
Deploy traffic and/or scene control devices
Describe measures to ensure continued scene safety of those operating within the work area
3D - Forcible Entry (Mandatory)
Select the appropriate tool(s)
Safely carry the selected tools to the door
Correctly size up the door
Choose the appropriate technique and demonstrate or simulate forced entry
Select the appropriate tool(s)
Safely carry the selected tools to the wall
Sound for studs (if applicable)
Choose the appropriate technique and demonstrate or simulate forced entry
Select the appropriate tool(s)
Safely carry the selected tools to the window
Correctly size up the window
Choose the appropriate technique and demonstrate or simulate forced entry
Clear opening of obstacles (glass, curtains, blinds)
3E - Exit Hazardous Environment
Determine air supply available prior to entering a hazardous atmosphere
Monitor the air supply available while in the hazardous atmosphere
Locate hose line or guideline and determine correct method of travel for egress
Make decision to leave hazardous atmosphere before depletion of air supply while maintaining team integrity
Exit hazardous atmosphere before depletion of air supply
3F - Ground Ladders (Mandatory)
Select the proper length ladder for the designated task
Lift/carry the ladder from the designated area or apparatus
Visually check work area for hazards and state if area is safe or if hazards exist
Raise the ladder upright
Extend and secure fly section
Lower ladder against stable wall or surface
Adjust for proper climbing angle
Position ladder correctly for task given
Mounts, Ascends ladder properly (one of the following tasks selected)
Window Ventilation:
Ladder tip placed about even with the top of the window and to the windward side
Rescue from window or entry through window:
Paced slightly below sill or 2-3 rungs into window if opening is wide enough to allow room beside ladder for rescue or entry
Work with hose with no entry:
Tip placed on wall above window opening if no flames extending from window or at sill if flames out window
Access roof:
Placed against roof with 3-5 rungs extending above roof
Dismounts and descends ladder properly
Lower ladder to ground (reversing raising procedures)
Lift/carry ladder to designated site or apparatus
3G - Vehicle Fires (Mandatory)
Properly wear full PPE and SCBA
Identify possible fuel types and methods for controlling fuel leaks
Attack from upwind and uphill (verbalize conditions were considered if not applicable)
Select at least one 1 1/2 inch hose line, bleed line, and adjust nozzle
Extinguish fire around and under the vehicle, attack the remaining fire in the vehicle
Perform overhaul on vehicle
Describe steps to control any and all fuel leaks
3H - Class A Fire - Stacked or Piled
Describe inherent hazards related to the burning material’s configuration
Properly bleed attack line and adjust nozzle
Break up material using hand tools and water streams
Operate hose lines and/or other water application devices
Evaluate and modify water application for maximum penetration
Extinguish the fire
Overhaul fire scene while protecting and preserving signs of cause or origin if present
Evaluate for complete extinguishment
3J - Horizontal Ventilation (Mandatory)
Break Window or Door Glass
Properly place ladder (if necessary)
Choose proper tool for task and carry tool safely
Assume proper position and break glass
Remove glass and any remaining window obstructions (curtains, draperies, blinds, etc.)
Forced Ventilation (proctor to choose one) PPV Properly place fan so cone of air covers entry point Ventilation properly performed and structure cleared of smoke
Properly place fan in exhaust opening to pull smoke out
Ventilation properly performed and structure cleared of smoke
Hydraulic Ventilation
Cover 85-90% of the ventilation opening
Ventilation properly performed and room cleared of smoke
3K - Vertical Ventilation
Collect and organize necessary equipment and tools
Determine location for ventilation opening
Properly place ground ladder
Correctly carry roof ladder while ascending ground ladder and place in position on roof making sure it is up-wind from intended ventilation
Move tools to roof utilizing teamwork
Sound roof for integrity and location of roof joists and rafters
Make an appropriate size opening
Remove appropriate roof materials after cuts have been completed
Push ceiling through
Have team exit roof immediately after performing ventilation
3L - Overhaul a Fire Scene
Select proper equipment and extinguishing source for type of overhaul requested
Demonstrate locating hidden fires by sight, touch, sound, or electronic sensor
Expose hidden fires in ceilings, walls, and/or subfloor spaces
Remove or extinguish burning objects
Preserve evidence or signs of cause and origin
Ensure and evaluate debris piles or burning material is completely extinguished
3M - Salvage
Arrange furnishings in close pile(s) and raised off the floor if possible while preserving evidence or signs of cause and origin
Cover pile with a salvage cover using two different spreads:
One firefighter spread
Two firefighter spread
Two firefighter balloon throw
Construct or perform one of the below called for in the scenario:
Water Catch-all
Water Chute
Verbalize or demonstrate one of the below
Stop activated sprinkler head
Operate main control valve
Roll and/or fold salvage cover for reuse
3N - Water Supply (Mandatory)
Connect supply hose to hydrant
Connect supply hose to pumper intake
Fully open hydrant
Fully close hydrant
3O - Extinguishers
Correctly identify the class of fire
Select an extinguisher suitable for fire given
Properly activate the extinguisher
Approach to an effective distance for discharge of the selected extinguisher
Discharge extinguisher agent on the base of the fire and sweep over the fire area
Advance on the remaining burning material while continuing to extinguish hot spots
Extinguish the fire and check for remaining hot spots
3P - Scene Lighting
Operate power supply properly
Illuminate the area sufficiently
Allow equipment to cool down before returning to service or verbally explain the need to do so
3Q - Control Utilities
Locate utility service boxes
Electrical-main panel
Natural gas-meter or LPG/CNG-storage tank/cylinder
Water-meter box or building water control valve
Shut off utility
Electrical-breaker to “off”
Natural gas-gas cock to “off” or LPG/CNG-turn valve clockwise to close
Water-turn valve clockwise to close or water valve cross way to direction of flow
3R - Ground Fire
Don or describe what PPE should be worn and what tools and equipment should be used
Perform an assessment of the incident with respect to type of fuel, topography, weather conditions, and exposures
Describe the exposures presented and what protection is needed, or conduct the operation
Describe a direct attack on the fire and where it would be made, or conduct the operation
Describe an indirect attack and where it could be made, or conduct the operation
Identify escape routes and Safety zones
Re-evaluate the integrity of fireline.
3S - Air Monitoring
Describe operation of meter or instrument
Describe what alarm activation indicates
Describe at what point the instrument will alarm
Describe the actions taken when an alarm sounds
Live Fire A
Describe hose line replacement method should hose line burst prior to entry
Properly wear full protective clothing and SCBA
Properly deploy attack line for advancement to fire
Properly bleed attack line and adjust nozzle while preventing water hammer
Check door before entering and sound floor for stability
Use appropriate body posture for conditions
Correctly extinguish the fire using pattern selected by proctor
Overhaul fire scene while protecting and preserving signs of cause or origin (if present)
Live Fire A
Describe hose line replacement method should hose line burst prior to entry
Properly wear full protective clothing and SCBA
Properly deploy attack line for advancement to fire
Properly bleed attack line and adjust nozzle while preventing water hammer
Check door before entering and sound floor for stability
Use appropriate body posture for conditions
Correctly extinguish the fire using pattern selected by proctor
Overhaul fire scene while protecting and preserving signs of cause or origin (if present)
Live Fire B
Describe hose line replacement method should hose line burst prior to entry
Properly wear full protective clothing and SCBA
Properly deploy attack line for advancement to fire
Properly bleed attack line and adjust nozzle while preventing water hammer
Check door before entering and sound floor for stability
Use appropriate body posture for conditions
Properly ascend stairs
Correctly extinguish the fire using pattern selected by proctor
Overhaul fire scene while protecting and preserving signs of cause or origin (if present)
Live Fire C
Describe hose line replacement method should hose line burst prior to entry
Properly wear full protective clothing and SCBA
Properly deploy attack line for advancement to fire
Properly bleed attack line and adjust nozzle while preventing water hammer
Check door before entering and sound floor for stability
Descend stairs safely and quickly using appropriate body posture
At bottom of stairs search for and correctly extinguish the fire using pattern selected by proctor
Overhaul fire scene while protecting and preserving signs of cause or origin (if present)