Journals Flashcards
What were the primary findings of a study by Claude et al evaluating the effects of maropitant or acepromazine on the incidence of adverse effects associated with hydro premedication in dogs?
JVIM 2014 28
- Maropitant significantly decreasees the incidence of vomiting but does not improve signs of nausea, ptyalism or increased panting
- Acepromazind showed significantly less panting
What were the findings of a study by Reed et al regarding the effect of ketamine on the minimum infusion rate of propofol necessary to prevent movement following noxious stimuli in dogs?
AJVR 2015 76
- Significant decreases in the propofol MIR required to prevent movement in response to the noxious stimuli when dogs were anesthetized with propofol and either high or low dose ketamine
What were the findings of a study by Marucio et al regarding the post-operative analgesic effects of epidural administration of neostigmine alone or in combination with morphine in dogs undergoing pelvic limb orthopedic surgery?
AJVR 2014 75
- Dogs treated with morphine-neostigmine needed less rescue analgesia than those treated with morphine alone or neostigmine alone in their epidural
- Neostigmine may be a good adjuvant in epidurals
What were the findings of a study by Henao-Guerrero et al compariong the cardiorespiratory effects of combination of ketamine and propofol, propofol alone, or a combination of ketamine and diazepam before and after induction of anesthesia in dogs sedated with acepromazine and oxymorphone?
AJVR 2014 75
- KP treatment maintained mean arterial BP better than propofol alone and increased the HR, CO and oxygen delivery as did the KD treatment
What were the primary findings of a study by Diniz et al regarding the effects of dexmedetomidine on pulse pressure variation changes induced by hemorrhage followed by volume replacement in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs?
JVECC 2014 24 6
- PPV was increased by hemorrhage only in dogs under iso anesthesia thate were hypotensive
- PPV returned to baseline after volume replacement
- Administration of dexmedetomidine lead to increases in systemic vascular resistance (in both hypotensive and normotensive dogs) and prevented theincrease in PPV with hemorrhage
- Because dexmedetomidine prevented the increase in PPV that was associated with hypovolemia, PPV should not be used to guide volume replacement in dogs that had been administered dexmedetomidine
What were the findings of a study by Staffieri et al regarding noninvasive CPAP delivered using a pediatric helmet in dogs recovering from general anesthesia?
JVECC 2014 24 5
- As compared with pre-CPAP and post-CPAP periods, during CPAP the PaCO2, AA gradient, and respiratory rate significantly decreased and the PaO2 was higher compared to pre and post
- Tolerance and sedation scores were similar across all time periods
- Suggests that noninvasive CPAP is feasible and effective
What were the findings of a study by Grasso et al evaluating the hemodynamic influence of acepromazine or dexmedetomidine premedictation in isoflurane anesthetized dogs?
JAVMA 2015 246
- Acepromazine exacerbated hypotension but there was no change in cardiac output in dogs anesthetized with propofol and isoflurane
- Dexmedetomidine led to reduced CO, however, prevented propofol-isoflurane induced hypotension
- Oxygen carrying capacity and PCV were generally higher in dexmedetomidine treated than in acepromazine treated dogs
What were the findings of a study by Muir et al regarding arterial blood pressure as a predictor of the response to fluid administration in euvolemic nonhypotensive or hypotensive isoflurane anesthetized dogs?
JAVMA 2014 245
- IV administration of 10ml/kg doses of LRS or hetastarch in a 5 minute period increased RA and PAP and CO when dogs were nonhypotensive or hypotensive compared to before fluid administration
- Durations of these effects were greater after hetastarch
- Overall, arterial BP measurements were a poor predictor of the hemodynamic response to fluid administration
What were the findings of a study by Canfran et al comparing sedation scores and propofol induction doses in dogs after IM injection of dexmedetomidine alone or in combination with methadone, midazolam or methadone plus midazolam?
Vet Journ 2016
- The degree of sedation obtained with DMe and DMeMi was significantly higher than in the D group alone.
- The required dose of propofol was lower in all groups (DMi, DMeMi, DMe) than in the control group
- Recovery quality was not diffrent beteween gropus
What were the findings of a study by Rabozzi and Franci on the use of the systolic pressure variation to predict the cardiovascular response to mini-fluid challenge in anesthetized dogs?
Vet Journ 2016
- SPV values >4mmHg or >4.5% predicted hemodynamic improvement in dogs with normal cardiovascular function
- SPV is the maximum variation in systolic pressure values following a single PP breath delivered by CMV
- SPV therefore may be used to predict a cardiovascular response (>10% increase in MAP or >10% decrease in heart rate)
What were the findings of a study by Monteiro et al on the effects of a combination of acepromazine with morphine and midazolam for sedation, cardiovascular variables and the propofol dose requirements for induction of anesthesia in dogs?
Vet Journ 2014
- The combination of AMM resuled in intense sedation more frequently than AM or MM and provided the greatest sparing of propofol dose
- Any protocl with acepromazine resulted in a decreased blood pressure, although not to the point of true hypotension
What were the findings of a study by Hunt et al on the effects of an IV bolus of dexmedtomidine following extubation in dogs undergoing anesthesia and surgery?
Vet Journ 2014
- Fewer poor quality recoveries were observed in the dexmedetomidine group, however, sedation was increased in this group
- Pain scores were lower in the group receiving dexmedetomidine
What were the findings of a study by Martin-Flores et al on the effects of maropitant in cats receiving dexmedetomidine and morphine?
JAVMA 2016
- Administration of maropitant to healthy cats !20 hours prior to administration of dexmed and morphine significantly decreased incidence of emesis, but did not decrease the incidence of signs of nausea
What were the findings of a study by Johnson et al evaluating the effects of magnesium sulfate and propofol on the MAC preventing motor movement in sevoflurane anesthetized dogs?
AJVR 2016
- MgSO4 did not affect the MAC and did not potentiate the effects of propofol
- MgSO4 appeared to be of no clinical advantage
What were the findings of a study by Deshpande et al on the effect of the canine ABCB1 (MDR1) mutation on sedation after IV administration of acepromazine?
JVIM 2016
- In ABCB1 mut/mut dogs, ace doses should be reduced and careful monitoring performed during sedation
- Heavier sedation score, but no difference in HR, RR, BP