Jokes Flashcards
A man walks into a zoo. The only animal in the zoo is a dog.
It was a shitzu.
What’s the raddest aircraft?
A hella-copter
The curtains are drawn in my living room,
but the rest of the furniture is real.
Why did the scarecrow win an award?
He was outstanding in his field.
What do you call a broken can opener?
A can’t opener.
Ehen corals get stressed they die. You know what they stress out about?
Current events.
Do you know what color the wind is?
What do you call a cheap circumcision?
A rip off.
A blind man walks into a bar,
and a table, and a chair.
Where did Sally go during the bombing?
You gotta hand it
to blind prostitutes.
A dyslexic agnostic insomniac
stays awake at night wondering if there’s a doG.
Girls, odd numbered groups
They can’t even
Crows, Dying, trucks
They could only say “kah”
I’ll never get the tent up
Too many mistakes
The highest form of flattery is not immitation.
It’s a plateau.
What happened when the cow tried to jump over the barbed wire fence?
Udder destruction
Know why Ireland is so wealthy?
It’s capital is Dublin.
I’ve been working onthis joke for 14 days
But its punchline is too weak
I don’t need a spine.
It’s holding me back
Make the cut
I’ve been to the dentist
Know the drill
Once you’ve seen one shopping center
You’ve seen a mall
The coffee tastes like mud
It was ground a few minutes ago
I’m not a big fan of archery
Too many drawbacks
Post office sexist
Wouldn’t letter. They only hire mails
Fired from hot dog stand
Put her hair in a bun
Someone dug a hole and filled it with water
He meant well
Tree fingers grow
Palm tree
Hit by a can of soda
Lucky it was a soft drink
Dr.Tyson’s Fav: Where are the assteroids?
Behind Uranus
How many tickles does it take to make a squid laugh?
So I find this humorous,
but it’s not attatched to any other bones.
I used to be a train driver, but
then I got sidetracked.
What do you get when you cross a jew?
What did Buddha say to the hotdog vendor?
Make me one with everything.