Joints and Ligaments of the Axial Skeleton (Quiz 3) Flashcards
Ligament that travels from the posterior aspect of C2 to the Sacrum
Anchored to all Vertebral bodies and Intervertbral discs from C2 to the Sacrum
Checks Hyperflexion of the Spine
Prevents posterior protrusion (movement) of IVDs
Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (PLL)
The most superior part of the PLL
Attaches onto the Occiput
(Starts at C2)
Tecterial Membrane
Ligament that travels from the Occiput to the Sacrum
Is Anchored to the anterior aspect of the Vertebral bodies and IDV’s
Checks Hyperextension of the spine
Stabilizes intervertebral joints
Anterior Longitudinal Ligament (ALL)
Plane Joints
Where the inferior articular facet of one vertebra articulates with the superior articular facet of the next inferior vertebra
Facet joints
Movements of Facet Joints
Flexion/Extension, Rotation, Lateral Flexion
Factors affecting ROM of the Spine
- Size and Shape of IVD’s
- Angle of the Facet Joints
- Laxity of Ligaments/Joint Capsules
Orientation of Cervical facet joints
Oblique (higher anteriorly)
Orientation of Thoracic Facet joints
More in the Frontal Plane
(Allowing more lateral flexion)
Orientation of Lumbar Facet Joints
More in the Sagittal plane
(allowing more flexion/extension)
Ligament that travels along the tips of the SP’s from C7 to the Sacrum
Checks Flexion
Supraspinous Ligaments
Ligament that travels from the SP of C7 to the back of the skull
It is a thickening of the Interspinous/Supraspinous Ligaments
Ligamentum Nuchae
(Nuchal Ligament)
Ligment that travels from C1 to the Sacrum
Connects the laminae of two adjacent vertebrae
Helps to preserve normal curves, and helps the spine to return the spine to a normal position after flexion
Ligamneta Flava
Aka Yellow Ligament (elastin - more stretch and recoil)
Ligaments between SPs
Checks Flexion
Interspinous Ligaments
The only bony articulation between the upper limb and the axial skeleton
Saddle Joint
The Clavical articulates with the Manubrium and Costal Cartilage of the 1st rib
Joint Surfaces are seperated by a fibrocartilagenous articular disc (Shock absorber for forces along the clavicle)
Sternoclavicular Joint
(S-C Joint)
Movements of the Sternoclavicular Joint
Elevation/Depression, Protraction/Retraction, Rotation (w/ circumduction)
Ligament that travels from the 1st rib to the sternal end of the Clavicle
Checks all movements of the Clavicle (except inferior)
Costoclavicular Ligament
Ligament connecting the 2 Sternoclavicular joints across the Manubrium
Interclavicular Ligament
2 Ligaments one either side (anterior and posterior) of the Sternoclavicular Joint
Extension of the Joint Capsule
(Anterior and Posterior) Sternoclavicular Ligaments
Where the Manubrium articulates with the body of the Sternum
Some movement during respiration
Manubriosternal Joint
Where the Body of the sternum articulates with the Xiphoid process
Fuses by age 40
Xiphisternal Joint
The Costal Cartilages of the first 7 ribs articulates w/ the costal notches on the lateral border of the Sternum
Chondrosternal Joints
*Rib 1 and the Manubrium classified as a cartilaginous
**Ribs 2-7 and the Sternum are classified as Synovial
**(has joint capsule, cavity, articular cartilage and small amount of synovial fluid)
Sternocostal Ligaments that fan out
Radiate Sternocostal Ligaments
Cartilaginous joint
The lateral end of each costal cartilage fits into cup-shaped anterior end of it associated rib.
*Has no ligaments. Is supoorted/bound together by periosteum
Costochondral Joint
Synovial Joint
Where the adjacent borders of the costal cartilages articulate
Supported by Interchondral Ligaments
Interchondral Joints
(Tend to become more fibrous and fuse with age)
Plane Joint
Where the head of the rib articulates w/ the facets on the side its associated the vertebral bodies
*The superior facet of the head articulates w/ the inferior facet of the superior vertbral body
*The inferior facet of the head articulates w/ the superior facet on the vertebral body of the same number
Costovertebral Joints
Ligament that connects the head of the rib to the vertebral bodies it articulates with and the associated IDV
Fans out
Stabilizes the connection of the head of the rib to the vertebral body
Radiate Ligament (of the Costovertebral Joints)
Plane Joint
Where the Facet on the Tubercle of the rib articulates with the costal facet on the associated TVP
Costotransverse Joint
Ligament that attaches the neck of a rib to the next superior TVP
Superior Costotransverse Ligament
Ligament that attaches the tubercle of a rib to its associated TVP
Costotransverse Ligament