Joint Distribution, Measure of Error & Families of Discreet Random Variables Flashcards
E(x+b) =
E(x) + b
E(a*x) =
E(x) * a
E(a*x+b) =
a*E(x) + b
var(x+b) =
var(a*x) =
(a^2)* var(x)
var(a*x+b) =
- no b
What is covariance?
Covariance measure how much two random variables change together.
Covariance only describes linear relationships between two variables.
Cov(x,y) =
E(x) - E(x)*E(y)
correlation coefficient
cov(x,y) / σ(x)*σ(y)
E(x+y) =
E(x) + E(y)
A higher dimension of binomial distribution
- fixed # of trials (n)
- all trials (xi) are independent
- for each trial (xi) there are k categories (x1, x2, …. xk)
- probabilities of occurring are p1, p2, … pk where p1 + p2 + … pk = 1
multinomial distribution
p(X = x1) = [ n! / ( x1! * x2! * …xk! ) ] * p1^x1 * p2^x2 * … pk^xk
bias =
(mean) - (true value)
Bias is the systematic error, which is the same for every measurement and may be the result of a lack of calibration.
Accuracy is the closeness of the measurements to the true value, determined by the bias.
computation of uncertainty
var(some formula with constants and variables)
(all constants part)^2 * var(variable)
(all constants part)^2 *(σ)^2
σ = sqrt((all constants part)^2 *(σ)^2) = (all constants part) *(σ)
NOTE: take partial derivatives when more than one variable is involved (such as height and radius), ADD those terms, do the square root thing to find the uncertainty
What is propagation of error?
finding the uncertainty of measurements
What is propagation of error?
finding the uncertainty of measurements
All possible values have the same probability
Discrete Uniform: parameters are (a, b)
E(x) = (a + b) / 2
var(x) = [ (b - a)*(b - a + 2) ] / 12
but also var(x) = E(x^2) - [E(x)]^2
Any experiment with only two outcomes
Bernoulli Trials
A Bernoulli random variable is described as x = 1 if ‘success’, or x = 0 if ‘failure’
p(x) = p if success
p(x) = 1-p if failure
A series of Bernoulli random variables
binomial random variable
n = # of trials
p = probability of success
A large number of trials with a small probability of occurring
Poisson random variable
x = # of occurrences over a specified interval or region
EXAMPLES: calls in an hour, # of chocolate chips in your cookie
λ: avg # of occurrences per unit time
t = # of time units over a particular interval
NOTATION: x ~poisson(λt)
var(x + y) =
var(x) + var(y) =
Monitor over a time interval
RV is x ~ ____________(λ,t)
Poisson random variable
x: the number of occurrences over a time interval