Joint Articulation Flashcards
Sternoclavicular Joint
Elevation & Depression: Sternum is concave; Clavicle is convex
Protraction & Retraction: Sternum is convex; clavicle is concave
Acromioclavicular Joint
the acromion is concave; the clavicle is convex
Glenohumeral Joint
the glenoid is concave; the humerus is convex
Humeroulnar Joint
the humerus is convex; the ulna is concave
Humeroradial Joint
the humerus is convex; the radius is concave
Proximal Radioulnar Joint
the ulna is concave; the radius is convex
Distal Radioulnar Joint
the ulna is convex; the radius is concave
Radiocarpal Joint
the radius is concave; the carpals are convex
Metacarpophalangeal Joint of Thumb
the metacarpals are convex; the phalanx are concave
Metacarpophalangeal Joint of 2-5th Digits
the metacarpals are convex; the phalanges are concave
Proximal and Distal Interphalangeal Joints of the Hand
the proximal phalanges are convex; the distal phalanges are concave
Hip Joint
the acetabulum is concave; the femur is convex
Tibiofemoral Joint
the tibia is concave; the femur is convex
Patellofemoral Joint
the patella is convex; the femur is concave
Proximal Tibiofibular Joint
the tibia is convex; the fibula is concave