Johns Flash Cards 1
He is
Il est
What time do you leave?
A quelle heure partez-vous?
In this way, thus
Also, so, consequently
The (masculine)
The (feminine)
Of the or from the (masculine)
Of the film
Du film
Of the or from the (feminine)
Of the woman
De la
De la femme
Of the or from the (all plurals)
Of the people
des gens
To the or at the (masculine)
To the gardin
Au jardin
To the or at the (femenine)
To the sister
A la
A la souer
To the or at the (plurals)
To the people
Aux amis
I rub the foot
I rub my foot
Je me frotte le pied
I seized her arm
I had seized her arm
(Really the arm)
Je lui ai saisi le bras
They brush their hair
The hair
Elles se brossent les cheveux
He closes his eyes
Il ferme les yeux
She opens her mouth
Elle ouvre la bouche
He turns his head
He turns the head
Il tourne la tete
Raise your hand
Levez le main
He scratches his nose
He scratches to himself the nose
Il se gratte le nez
He has blue eyes
Il a yeux bleus
I admired her lovely hair
J’admirais ses beaux cheveaux
His hands are clean
His hand is clean
Ses mains sont propres
Son main est propres
The hands were clean
Les mains sont propres
I saved their lives
Je leur ai sauve la vies
They kept their hats in theirs hands
Keep similar to guard
Ils gardaient le chapeau a la main
Men, women, children, all ran away
Saved themselves
Hommes, femmes, enfants, tous se sauverent
The less he works the more he earns
Moins il travaille, plus il gagne
She has been elected president
She has been president
Elle a ete president
What a boy
Quel garcon
Without money or hope
Sans argent ni espoir
Three times a day
Think by day
Trois fois par jour
A thousand euros a week
Or a thousand euros by the week
By week
Mille euros par semaine
Par - by
Ne que
Ne rien
Ne jamais
Absolutely not
Ne point
No more
Ne plus
Rejoin, reunite
Meeting or appointment
Rendez vous
There’s (belonging to them)
La sien
With you
Avec vous
Avec tu
With him
Avec lui
With her
Avec elle
With them
Avec eux
Think deux without the d
I am going to give him his book
Je vais lui donner son livre
Will you tell them
Voulez vous leur dire
Leur means them or their
Will you bring them their book
Voulez vous leur aporter leur livre
I thank you
Je te remercie
In the process of
En tren du
Of course
Bien sur
Then, at that time, while
De tout facon