John Keats Quotes Flashcards
To One who has been Long in City Pent
'’Fair and open face of heaven’’
'’some pleasant lair of wavy grass’’
'’Returning home at evening’’
'’Catching the notes of Philomel’’
'’Like the passage of an angels tear’’
On First Looking Into Chapman’s Homer
'’Much have I travell’d’’
'’Deep brow’d Homer ruled as his demesne’’
'’Yet did I never breathe its pure serene’’
'’Chapman speak out loud and bold’’
'’Then felt I like some watcher of the skies’’
'’When a new planet swims into his ken’’
When I Have Fears That May Cease To Be
'’My pen has gleaned my teeming brain’’
'’High piled books…full ripen’d grain’’
'’I may never live’’
'’Fair creature of an hour’’
'’I shall never look upon thee more’’
'’Of the wide world I stand alone and think’’
'’To love and fame to nothingness do sink’’
La Belle Dame Sans Merci
'’No birds sing’’