John Chapter 1 Flashcards
John 1
The Word; John the Baptist’s ministry (beyond the Jordan in the Judean wilderness); the Lamb of God; the first five disciples: John, Andrew, Simon Peter, Philip, and Nathanael (Galilee)
John 2
Wedding at Cana (Galilee; first sign); cleansing of the temple at Passover (Jerusalem)
John 3
Nicodemus and being born again; John decreasing, the Son increasing (Judean wilderness)
John 4
Woman at the well (Sichar in Samaria); healing of royal official’s son (a second sign; Cana of Galilee)
John 5
Healing of the lame man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath (Jerusalem); the witness of the Father; the witness of the Scriptures
John 6
Feeding of the five thousand (the other side of the Sea of Galilee; third named sign); walking on the water; I am the bread of life (synagogue in Capernaum)
John 7
Jesus goes secretly from Galilee to Jerusalem; the thirsty may drink; divided opinions about Jesus
John 8
Adulterous woman; I am the Light of the world; dispute about freedom and fatherhood; I am (verse 58)
John 9
Opening the eyes of the man born blind
John 10
I am the door; I am the good shepherd; the Feast of the Dedication; I am the Son of God (verse 36); Jesus goes beyond the Jordan.
John 11
Raising of Lazarus (Bethany); I am the resurrection and the life; Jewish counsel to kill Jesus; Jesus goes to Ephraim (verse 54).
John 12
Mary anoints Jesus’ feet at Bethany on the sixth day before Passover; the triumphal entry on the next day; the corn of wheat dying and being lifted up
John 13
Passover supper; Jesus washes the disciples’ feet; Jesus predicts his betrayal; Judas departs; the new commandment; Peter’s denial predicted
John 14
Jesus predicts his departure; I am the way, the truth, and the life. Another Helper promised (They leave the upper room.)
John 15
I am the true vine; Love one another; the world hates you and me.
John 16
They will; I will; the Holy Spirit will; the Father will; you will.
John 17
The high priestly prayer
John 18
Judas betrays the Lord (in the garden); Jesus bound and taken first to Annas, then to Caiaphas; Peter’s denials in both places; Jesus led to the Praetorium and to Pilate
John 19
Pilate scourges Jesus and delivers him over to be crucified; Jesus on the cross, alive and dead; Joseph and Nicodemus bury Jesus’ body in a nearby tomb.
John 20
Mary Magdalene tells Peter and John about empty tomb. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene. Jesus appears to disciples and breathes the Holy Spirit upon them. Thomas doubts. Eight days later Jesus appears to him.
John 21
Jesus appears to disciples at the Sea of Tiberias; the catch of 153 great fish; Jesus serves breakfast and restores Peter.