John Flashcards
John 1
The Word became flesh The witness John the Baptist gave Jesus, the Lamb of God Jesus' first disciples Philip and Nethanael
John 2
Wedding at Cana; water into wine
Jesus cleanses the temple
Jesus knows what is in man
John 3
Jesus and Nicodemas Born again God loved the world John's final witness about Jesus The one from above
John 4
Jesus and the Samaritan woman
Worship God with spirit and truth
Many Samaritans believe in Jesus
Jesus heals an official’s son
John 5
Sick man healed at Bethzatha
Jesus given authority by his Father
The dead will hear Jesus’ voice
Testimonies about Jesus
John 6
Jesus feeds 5,000
Jesus walks on water
Jesus, “the bread of life”
Many stumble at Jesus’ words
John 7
Jesus at the Festival of Tabernacles
Jesus teaches at the festival
Different opinions about the Christ
John 8
The Father bears witness about Jesus Jesus, "the light of the world" Children of Abraham "the truth will set you free" Children of the Devil Jesus and Abraham
John 9
Jesus heals a man born blind
Healed man questioned by the Pharisees
Blindness of the Pharisees
John 10
The shepherd and the sheepfolds Jesus is the fine shepherd "I have other sheep" Jews encounter Jesus at the Festival of dedication Many Jews refuse to believe "My sheep listen to my voice" The Son is in union with the Father Many across the Jordan believe
John 11
Death of Lazarus
Jesus comforts Martha and Mary
Jesus resurrects Lazarus
Plot to kill Jesus
John 12
Mary pours oil on Jesus' feet Jesus' triumphal entry Jesus foretells his death Jews' lack of faith fulfills prophecy Jesus Came to save the world
John 13
Jesus washes his disciples feet Jesus identifies Judas as betrayer New commandment "If you have love among yourselves" Peter's denial foretold
John 14
Jesus, the only way of approach to the Father
‘I am the way, the truth, and the life’
Jesus promises holy spirit
‘The Father greater than I am’
John 15
Illustration of the true vine
Command to show Christlike love
‘No love greater than this’
The world hates Jesus disciples