John Flashcards
John 1
Word Became Flesh
Calling of Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael
John 2
Wedding at Cana
Cleansing of the Temple
John 3
Nicodemus (born again)
John 4
Woman at the Well
Healing of the Official’s Son
John 5
Sabbath Healing by the Pool
John 6
Feeding of the 5000
Jesus Walks on Water
Bread of Life
John 7
Jesus Goes to the Feast of Booths
John 8
Woman Caught in Adultery
Light of the World
Before Abraham was, I Am
John 9
Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind
John 10
Good Shepherd
John 11
The Resurrection of Lazarus
John 12
Jesus Anointed at Bethany
The Triumphal Entry
John 13
Jesus washes the disciples’ feet
New Commandment
John 14
Holy Spirit Promised
Way, Truth, & Life
John 15
Jesus is the True Vine
John 16
Jesus has overcome the world
John 17
High Priestly Prayer
John 18
Jesus’ Arrest and Trial
Peter’s Denial
John 19
Jesus’ Death
John 20
The Resurrection
Jesus appears to Mary, Thomas, and the Disciples
John 21
Jesus appears to His Disciples again and reinstates Peter as an Apostle