Job Knowledge Flashcards
When was the Panama Canal constructed
1914- connected Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. 1977 Torrijos-carter treaties = Panamanian control of the canal after 1999. US left in 1999.
Marshall Plan
1948 President Truman signed economic recovery act - US can support postwar Europe
Difference between mediation and conciliation
Mediation = neutral third party assisting disputing parties
Conciliation = parties seek to reach an amicable dispute with a neutral 3rd party
Reverse delegation
Situation where manager delegates task to his/her direct report, but ends up takes it back for whatever reason
Religion with most followers globally
Christianity 2.1 billion
Rank of the top 4 religions in order
- Christianity
- Islam
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
Strait that links Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean
Bab Al-mandab strait
What strait is between gulf of Oman and Persian gulf / who controls it
Strait of Hormuz
Bosphorous strait
Part of continental boundary between Europe and Asia, separates Asian Turkey from European Turkey
Malacca strait
Between Malay peninsula and Indonesian island of Sumatra
Standard deviation
Statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to its mean
Variance (in stats)
Spread between numbers in a dataset . Used to determine how far each number is from the mean and from every other number in the set . The average of the squared differences of the mean
14th amendment
Full citizenship to all people born or naturalized in US. Equal protection of all people. no state shall deprive any person of life liberty or property without due process- if not, it must serve government interest
13th amendment
Freed slaves
15th amendment
African American right to vote
16th amendment
Federal income tax
17th amendment
How many senators are allowed / their votes
19th amendment
Women could vote
13th amendment - 19th amend
Equality / reconstruction post civil war
bill of rights (first 10 amendments)
1-4 = citizen rights
5-8 = rights of suspects
Radio station created to fight communism and fall Fidel Castro
Radio Martin (after cuban National hero Jose marti)
Montreal protocol
Protected ozone layer . Hole was reported in the 80s
1970 boundary treaty
Settled boundary disputes between US and Mex and rio grande
1974 threshold test band treaty
Nuclear threshold of tests between US and USSR
Ad valorem tax
Tax based on value of a transaction or property (value added tax, sales tax, property tax)
Push communication / pull communication
Push: from sender to receiver ex: memos, letters, and emails.
Pull : Providing access to info
11th amendment
Makes states immune from suits out of state citizens not living within state borders
Central clearance
Review of all executive brand testimony, reports, and draft legislation by office of management and budget to ensure that each communication to congress is in accordance with the presidents program
Tragedy of commons
Economic theory that occurs when individuals neglect the well-being of society in pursuit of personal gain
Prisoners dilemma
Situation where two parties separated and unable to communicate must choose between cooperating with each other or not
Kyoto protocol
International treaty to reduce GGH
Which President served on Supreme Court
William Taft (President during 1909-1913)
Who designed Mount Rushmore
Gutzon borglum
Square deal
1901-1909 Theodore Roosevelt - promoted conservation, control of corps, consumer protection
New deal
Social liberal programs by Franklin d Roosevelt 1933-1938
The great society
Lyndon b Johnson 1964-1965 domestic policies (Medicare and Medicaid)
Angel island
Primary immigration location for Chinese immigrants
Castle garden
First immigration station for the US
What is on the back of a 100 bill
Independence hall
What is on the back of a 2$ bill
Trumbull’s Declaration of Independence
Which 5 permanent members make up the UN Security Council
China france Russia UK and US
Brundtland commission
Sustainable development (1984-1987)
Local area network
Wide area network
How are American controlled territories (non states) represented in congress
They each e elect a non voting representative to the US House of Representatives
Oklahoma City bombing
1955, deadliest terrorist attack in US history before 9/11 (still is deadliest domestic terrorism)
How many states needed to ratify constitution
Financial crisis of 2007-2008 chair of federal reserve
Ben bernanke
Paul volker
Chair of fed reserve from 1979-1987
Alan Greenspan
Chair of fed reserve from 1987-2006
Janet yelen
Chair of fed bank from 2014-2018
Vietnam war occured when
1960s -1970s
The gulf war (aka operation desert shield and operation desert storm)
Iraq invading kuwait in the 90s, wanting to gain the nations large oil reserves, cancelling debt Iraq owed Kuwait and expanding Iraqi power. military conflict between Iraq and coalition of 35 nations led by US. India was not involved
25th amendment
John Tyler taking office when Harrison died and immediately becoming president - established presidential succession
The us spends about how much on foreign aid
1% (0.01)
The head of the national security council is the
The house of rep has how many voting members
Opportunity cost
The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen
Dayton agreement
Peace for Bosnia and herz in 1995
How many times has the US constitution been changed
27 times , 27 amendments
The secret service was founded why and under which dept
Founded to stop counterfeit currency, and was housed in dept of treasury. Currently it is in the dept of homeland security
Advocates government and public sector spending to boost the economy. It is believed that higher government spending in a recession can help the economy recover more quickly.
End a senate filibuster by a supermajority vote of 60 senators
Peaceful coexistence between US and USSR
First woman to serve as a us senator for a full term
Hattie wyatt caraway
Supply side economics
Advocates for Lower marginal tax rates as an incentive to work, allow people to keep more money they earn, and boost economic growth
Suez Canal crisis
Happened in 1956, Egyptian govt siezed control of the canal. The canal proclaimed access to middle eastern oil, egypts actions were seen as a threat to cut off europes oil supply.
Monroe doctrine
1823 doc stating that the US didn’t want European powers interfering in western hemisphere
Henry David thoreau
Naturalist and essayist. Wrote Walden and civil disobedience- credited as influencing MLK
Council of Econ advisers advises who
The President
Gulf of Tonkin
Presidential discretion for US forces in Vietnam
Stress properly rights are essential and primary
The President must inform who before a covert intelligence operation
Congressional intelligence committees
term containment during Cold War
Halt influence of USSR- introduced by george Kennan and applied in Truman doctrine of 1947
Who is the nonpartisan advisor to the senate on procedural issues
The parliamentarian
Which African country had first permanent military base
Baker v carr
One person one vote . States must fairly represent their populations in legislative districts
Sykes picot agreement in 1916
Between Britain and france, and divided Ottoman Empire into territories. Iran was not part of the Ottoman Empire so wasn’t affected by the agreement
What is the minimum Age requirement for serving as a US house of rep
9th amendment
Silent or unwritten, protects unenumerated rights- those not explicitly mentioned in constitution
Fiscal v monetary policy
Fiscal = collective term for taxing and spending actions of govts, monetary = management of interest rates, money in circulation, and usually carried out by central banks like US fed reserve
Marbury v Madison
Established principle of judicial review
US Dept. of State was established when
US Dept. of State was established when
Rogers Act 1924
Created US foreign service. Post ww2, us = superpower, expanded foreign service
Which agency does not have representatives serving us embassies abroad?
Energy (those who do: agriculture, commerce, homeland security)
Which agency does not have representatives serving us embassies abroad?
Energy (those who do: agriculture, commerce, homeland security)
McCullough vs Maryland 1819
SC ruled Congress had authority to establish a federal bank
Gibbons v Ogden 1824
SC establishing by the principle that states cannot interfere with power of Congress to regulate commerce
Dred Scott v Sandford
SC ruled that living in a free state / territory did not entitle Scott his freedom because he was an enslaved man, he was not a citizen but another persons property
Supremacy clause
Federal law generally takes precedence over any conflicting state law
War of 1812
Most often reason was said bc of impressment of American soldiers by UK. UK was also trying to infiltrate US, and had expanded into territory occupied by native Americans. DC WH burned in 1814 . Treaty of Ghent ended the war
Louisiana purchase 1803
Purchased from napoleon (france) so that every man could have his own small farm. (Bought mid section of US)
Marbury v Madison 1803
Supreme Court gave itself the power of judicial review - which allows it to uphold or invalidate federal laws
1800- Gabriel’s rebellion
First slave uprising, organized by Richmond VA blacksmith - was figured out beforehand, 75 slaves hung
1st Secretary of State
John Jay
Adams passed alien act and sedition act 1798
Restricted immigration and speech in US. Alien act: lengthened time it took to become a citizen
Sedition act: made it a crime to critique govt
Yom Kippur war 1973
Aka Arab Israeli war, or Ramadan War , when Arab coalition (led by Egypt and Syria) launched surprise attack on Israel during Yom Kippur.
Suez Canal
Artificial sea level waterway in Egypt connecting Mediterranean Sea to Red Sea
Just In Time (JIT)
Inventory philosophy developed in Japan that employs a trigger that signals when products are needed and should then be ordered
States education and cultural affairs bring non us citizens to us for graduate study with which program
Hurbert Humphrey Fellowship Program
Member states voted in the World Bank are decided based on
The amount of economic funds donated to the organization
Cesar Chávez
Key figure supporting equal rights and better conditions for migrant workers
Nominal data
Qualitative data that categorizes variables into groups without a numerical value or order
Ordinal data
Variables have natural ordered categories
Total tax revenues have historically made up what percent of US economy
Demand side economics
Advocates for increased spending on public goods
Residence Act
Gave authority to President george Washington for where to place capital
In his farewell address Eisenhower warned against
The military industrial complex
5 domains of warefare identified by pentagon
Land, sea, air, space and cyberspace
Dodd Frank act
Passed in 2010 and created CFPB (Wall Street, reform financial system after 2007-2008 financial crisis)
Fair deal
Domestic agenda of Harry Truman between 1945-1953 . Increased minimum wage, expanded social security