1.1 What are symptoms of an infectious disease are caused by?
Symptoms of an infectious disease are caused by damage done to cells by microorganisms or the poisons (toxins) they produce
1.1 What is an example of a symptom?
Fever (raised body temperature), rashes
1.1 How is the damage done by the microorganisms?
The damage is done directly to the cells by the microorganism.
1.1 How is the damage done by the toxins that the microorganisms produce?
some bacteria can produce proteins that can damage the material holding cells together so that the bacteria can invade deeper
1.2 What is an example of a microorganism?
Bacteria and viruses
1.2 What is a suitable condition for microorganisms to reproduce rapidly? Why?
Inside the human body, in places such as the intestines, is a suitable condition as they need warm moist conditions so that chemical reactions inside the microorganisms can take place.
1.2 How do microorganisms reproduce?
They make copies of themselves using energy from a source of nutrients.
1.2 What do viruses need to reproduce
Viruses need other cells to reproduce
1.3 How can we calculate the population growth of microorganisms given appropriate data?
After each reproduction period, there will be twice as many microorganisms than at the end of the previous reproduction period.
1.3 What do you need to know to calculate the population growth of microorganisms ?
- the number of microorganisms before reproduction
- how long it takes for one to reproduce
- how long there is to reproduce for
1.4 What are white blood cells a part of?
White blood cells are a part of the body’s immune system.
1.4 What is the purpose of white blood cells?
They deal with infectious microorganisms that enter the body.
1.4 What are the different types of white blood cells? How can they destroy microorganisms?
1.4 how do phagocytes work and what are they?
non-specific white blood cells that attack anything foreign
They detect the foreign bodies and engulf then digest them
1.4 how do lymphocytes work and what are they?
specific white blood cells that attack only pathogens with correct antigen markers
They produce antibodies that can neutralise pathogens by
-binding to them to damage/destroy them directly
-coat pathogens so they are easily ingested by phagocytes
- bind to pathogens and release chemical signals attracting more phagocytes
Once the right white blood cell recognises antigens, it divides to produce more identical antibodies to fight infection.