JMS. 5 Flashcards
What did James say the rich should do because their miseries are coming upon them
According to James 5:1, who did James say should weep and howl because their miseries are coming upon them
The rich
According to James 5:1, why did James say the rich should weep and howl
Because the miseries are coming upon them
According to James 5:1, fib. Come now, you __________, ______ and _________ for your _____ that are coming upon you
According to James 5:2, finish this statement. Your riches are corrupted
And your garments are moth-eaten
According to 5:2, whose riches did James say is corrupted
The rich
According to James 5:2, what did James say about the garments of the rich
They a re moth-eaten
According to 5:3, fib. Your _____ and your ________ are ______ and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh life ____
According to James 5: 3, what of the rich did James say is corroded and be a witness against them
Their Gold
Their Silver
According to James 5: 3, James says the corrosion of the gold and silver of the rich will be a witness against them and eat their flesh like this’
According to James 5:3, what did James say the rich have heaped up in the last days
According to James 5:3, when did James say the rich heaped up their treasure
In the last days
According to James 5:4, what did James say the rich keep back by fraud
The wages of the laborers
According to James 5:5, by what means did James say the rich keep back the wages of the laborers
By fraud
According to James 5:4, whose cry did James say have reached to the ears of the lord of Saboath
The cried of the reapers
According to James 5:5, how did James say the rich have lived on the earth
in Pleasure
and Luxury
According to James 5:5 as in what day did James say the rich have fattened their heats
as in the day of slaughter
According to James 5:6, fib. You have __________, you have _____________ the just he does not ______ you
According to 5:7, until when did James say the brethren should be patient
The coming of the Lord
According to James 5:7, which group of people did James says wait patiently for the precious fruit of the earth
The farmers
According to James 5:7, for which fruit did James says the farmers wait
The precious fruit of the earth
According to James 5:7, he says that the farmer waits for precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives ‘these’ two (2) rains
The early rain
the latter rain
According to James 5:8, finish this statement. You also be patient. Establish your hears for the coming of the Lord …
Is at hand
According to James 5:9, why did James say we should not grumble against one another
Lest you be condemned
According to James 5:9, finish this statement. Do not grumble against one another, brethren, lest you be condemned…
Behold, the judge is standing at the door
According to James 5:10, who did James say we should use as an example of suffering and patience
The prophets
According to James 5:11, fib. You have heard of the _________ of _______ and seen end intended by the Lord that the Lord is very ___________ and ______
According to James 5:12, by what did James say we should not swear
By heaven
By earth
By any other oath
According to James 5:12, why did James say we should not swear by heaven, earth or any other oath but rather let our yes be yes and no be no
Lest we fall into judgment
According to James 5:13, is anyone among you suffering let him __________
According to James 5:13, is anyone among you suffering, let him pray, is anyone cheerful let him sing ______
According to James 5:14, if anyone among us is sick for whom did James say we should call
Call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord
According to 5:15, what kind of prayer will SAVE the sick
The prayer of faith
According to 5:15, finish this statement. The prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up…
And if he has committed sins h will be forgiven
According to James 5:16, what did James say we should confess one to another
Our trespasses
According to James 5:16, we should confess our trespasses one to another and pray that you may be _____
According to James 5:16, finish this statement. Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed
A fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much
According to James 5:16, which man’s FERVENT prayer avails much
the righteous
According to James 5:!7, which prophet prayed earnest that it would not rain
According to James 5:17, Elijah prayed earnestly that it would not rain but for what time period it did not rain
3 years and 6 months
According to James 5:18, when Elijah prayed the 2nd time what happened
The heaven gave rain
the earth produced its fruits
According to James 5:19, fib. Brethren is anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone ______ him back, let him know that he who ___ a ____ from the _____ of his way will save a soul from _____ and _____ a ________ of sins