Jimmy's Deck Flashcards
Requests to ride in FD vehicles by non authorized individuals must be fwd an approved by
Chief of operations
Members may respond to press inquiries for the following
Type of incident/ event
Number of patients or victims if known
Hospital in which patients or victims are being transported
Members shall not discuss condition of patients or victims, care provided or other confidential info
Hand lines shall NEVER be used on energized electrical components at con Ed facilities
Decision to apply water streams to electrical components at con Ed will not be undertaken by first responding units Decision can only be made by:
Chief officer above the rank of deputy chief or a deputy chief operating as car 421 or 422 in consultation with con Ed white hat at scene
Definition of “Deenergized”
Equipment that is isolated from all electrical sources but not grounded
Order of preference to the roof brownstone
Aerial ladder
2nd arriving aerial ladder
Adjoining buildings
How often shall progress reports be given from a light train?
At least once every 15 min
In a brownstone when would you transmit an extra engine and truck?
When in a brownstone would you transmit a second alarm?
Extra engine and truck for 2 floors of fire
2nd alarm for heavy fire in the cellar and basement
Who can order the use of a light train?
Chief in charge CIC
How do you communicate when on a light train?
- FD using train operators radio talks to
- TA command center
Who talks to - FD boro dispatch
Who calls - Chief in charge
When can a light train be used?
Small fires readily extinguishable by one or 2 extinguishers.
All fire teams applying water with a hand held fog nozzle should take advantage if the reach of the fog steam and observe to a minimum approach distance of how many feet to catenary wires?
10 feet
What key is used to open the subway platform stand pipe cabinet? And what key used to open the sound power outlet jack?
Standard subway emergency exit key for standpipe and 16-20 key for sound power phone
Where is the emergency evacuation device located and how long and weight?
At under ground and grade level stations, the EED is located at the first blue light location south of the south bound platform typically within 50 feet of the end of the platform end. At elevated stations area of the full time token booth. At base of emergency exit at both ends of under river rail. SI are near tower b St gorge terminal and crew quarters at tottenvilleI. is 7 feet long and 42lbs
What do you use to clean the SCBA regulator?
70% isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle, 6 full pumps
How long do you immerse a facepiece in a hypochlorite solution when cleaning it?
5 min
How much contact time do you need for the 70% isopropyl alcohol to to disinfect the SCBA regulator?
10 min
All handie-talkies have a ID number first is the type of unit, next set of 3 is the company number, and last 3 is riding position, what are the riding position numbers for a Ladder?
LADDER. 001-officer 002-chauffeur 003-roof 004-OV 005-FE 006-can
SCBA labels are coded with white numbers and colored coded background what are the for Ladder, Engine, Rescue, ect?
Engine- black Ladder- red Rescue- blue Hazmat- blue Squad- yellow Battalion- yellow Battalion spare- orange Marine- green MSU spare- black
All handie-talkies have a ID number first is the type of unit, next set of 3 is the company number, and last 3 is riding position, what are the unit numbers?
1- Rescue 2-staff,div, bat 3-EMS 4-future use 5-Engine 6-Spares 7- Ladder 8-Squad 9-special unit 0-not used
All handie-talkies have a ID number first is the type of unit, next set of 3 is the company number, and last 3 is riding position, what are the riding position numbers for a engine/squad?
001-officer 002-ecc 003-nozzle 004-back up 005-control 006-door
All handie-talkies have a ID number first is the type of unit, next set of 3 is the company number, and last 3 is riding position, what are riding positions for rescue?
001-office 002- chauffeur 003- roof 004- hook 005- FE 006- can
All handie-talkies have a ID number first is the type of unit, next set of 3 is the company number, and last 3 is riding position, what are riding positions for a brush unit?
1st is 0, second is brush fire unit number, and third is riding position
001- officer
002- chauffeur
003- fire fighter
How long is the low and high pressure hoses on a fast pak?
High is 5ft with UAC
Low is 20ft attached to a manifold w/ schrader fitting and Hansen fitting
Who carries a fast pack?
All Ladders, Rescues and Squads
How long will the fast pak take to equalize both cylinders using the UAC high pressure?
60 sec
Can you operate the fast pak low and high pressure systems simultaneous?
When should you inspect APR AND CBRN canister and adaptor?
At least every 30 days and or on the first day of each month.
What is the shelf life of a vacuumed sealed CBRN CAP1 canister?
7 yrs
Can you use the SCBA before the regulator is dry after cleaning?
Yes in emergency circumstances.
What is the on air time for the Draeger model BG 4 EDSCBA?
Up to 4 hours
Who carries the pak tracker?
All rescue and squad, rescue battalion and safety battalion.
What is the max range of the personal transmitter to the Pak-tracker?
Aprox 950’ line of site.
How many SCBA can the pak-tracker store?
Electronic sirens have three operating modes Weil, yelp, and high-low. Which ones use is prohibited?
When should the officer on duty review the emergency action plan for all Fdny facilities?
Initially, when plan is developed
Whenever plan changes
New personnel are assigned
Quarterly first week of jan apr July and oct
If you fall in the water with bunker gear you should?
Remain calm call for help slowly tread water and do not swim or try to remove anything
When can you not use water on a Toyota Rav4 electric car?
If the car is connected to a charging device DO NOT USE WATER. If the battery pack is on fire and not connected copious amounts of water may be used.
Also do not cut orange wrapped high voltage wire, and the disconnect service plug is located under the carpen drive side rear footwell
If your hood is OOS and a spare is not available can you still go into a fire?
Yes tell your officer and he will instruct you to put you collar up and ear flaps down and neck stap secured.
What systems are the EBF-4 directly linked to?
HRIS database, spare radio list and computer assisted dispatch system CADS
What do you do if you observe a member exhibiting possible signs of alcohol or drug abuse?
Consult with CSU and refer member to CSU
What do you do if you reasonably suspect a member engaged in conduct prohibited by the drug and alcohol policy while on duty or on department property/premise?
Prohibit on or off duty member from leaving without permission of the investigating officer.
Immediately relieve member from emergency response duty and place affected unit OOS
notify admin chief and BITs and make a journal entry.
What priority order from the dispatcher can you obtain the lock combo for a quarters you are relocated to?
1- nearby ERS BOX
2- outside public phone
Who should the officer on duty notify if illegal entry of quarters is discovered?
Admin batt and div
Bureau of fire investigation (only if involves false alarm)
Insp general ( only if dept employee is suspected)
What handie-talkie channels will the battalion recorder record simultaneous?
All channels except 9 and it will record in zone A on both models.
During an emergency roll call who should a company officer account for?
Only there members within sight or hearing WITHOUT using the HT.
How long should you flush water through foam equipment for cleaning purposes?
15 min
What is the required expansion ratio range for Hi Ex foam to be classified as a Hi Ex foam?
200/1 to 1000/1
What are the foam band colors Fluoroprotein Alcohol Hi ex Afff
Brown- floouroprotein
Green- alcohol
Yellow- hi ex
Black- afff
Although a small flow of water is required in a Hi Ex foam operation 60gpm high pump pressure is needed to overcome the pressure loss at the educator what PSI should you maintain at the inlet of the inductor to get sufficient pressure?
200 to 220 psi
A member off line is randomly schedule for a drug test and is directed to go the the testing unit who is responsible for his transportation?
His bureau head
During a random drug test how long does a member have to provide a sample to the testing unit?
2 hours
If after 2 hrs member does not provide at least one adequate sample the member will be transported to BHS for a blood sample.
What entries shall be made on a probie ff reading schedule?
Probie ff initial and date in blue or black when subject has been read
Officer on duty initial and date in red when subject is reviewed or drilled on.
Company commander initial and date in red once a month, prioritize reading schedule.
When shall company commanders arrange for special unit apparatus motors and pumps be checked?
Every Monday 9x for 15 min
When repairs are needed and a the company is oos who should the officer notify?
He must promptly notify the dispatcher,batt and division. If the company has not returned to service within 2 hours he must notify the batt and division.
What coupling should hose be hung by in a tower for drying?
Male coupling
What needs to be done if a members license is suspended, revoked or expired?
Member shall forward report to chief of personnel within 1 week of occurrence.
If a civilian alleges that a dept is responsible for a accident who should you refer them to?
He may file a notice of claim by calling the comptrollers office.
Officers on duty are authorized to arrange school visits with schools but must ensure what ratio of children to supervisors for each grade?
3rd and 4th one adult for 15 kids 5th and over one adult for 30 kids Below 3rd one adult for 4 kids Local troop visits may have one adult every 20 kids Hours are from 0900 to 1700
After receipt of sig 5555 or NYC employee LODD the flag is displayed half staff till when?
Sunset on the day of the funeral or time designated in dept orders
Same for a active non line of duty death only in the quarters the member was assigned
What size is the solid stream nozzle and tips for a 13/4 hand line?
11/2 with 15/16 MST and 1/2 OST
Engine company supply guidelines what are they?
Whenever possible
Only 2 handling should be operated from a pumper
The supply pumper in a relay should not supply hand lines or large caliber streams
Pumper supply LCS should not supply hand lines or other LCS
As per FFP engine ops who is responsible for the initial size up?
First officer on scene however all engine members must make there own personal size up. As higher ranking officers arrive the responsibility is passed up the chain
What are some non verbal engine company communications for Opening or closing nozzle Direction of stream Advancement Halt or stop advance
Open or closing- one or two slaps on the shoulder
Direction of stream- tug or pull on the arm or nozzle left or right
Advance- steady push on back
Stop- pull back on shoulder
While Using the nozzle to vent a room out the window how far back from the window should the nozzles be?
4-5 feet
What is the preferred method of stretching hose to a fire?
Back stretch
When operating in a commercial building what is the recommended way for the nozzle man to advance the line?
Leg forward or outstretched leg
Crawling is use for a low approach
Duck walking is used in project and office buildings
What is the second due engine officers responsibility when stretching and operating the initial line?
Water resource officer
Control the number of members on the fire floor
Provide communication link with IC and first due officer
Track members going above fire
What are the property’s of natural gas?
Colorless, odorless, mercaptan added to give smell, lighter than air, explosive range 5-15%, ing temp 1163, nontoxic, asphyxiant
How many turns to shut off most gas valves?
1/4 turn counter clockwise
In some older big pressure has services the main shut off will require how many turns of the operating nut and in what direction?
41/2 to 5 turns clockwise
How many turns to shut off a curb gas valve and what color is a plastic valve?
1/4 turn clockwise and plastic valve is white be carful not to put excess force as this will easily break
What is the difference between a long service and a gas curb valves in regards to location?
Curb valve is a 4x4 square or round cover located usually flu d on the sidewalk side of the curb. The long service on national grid systems have round covers with a arrow on the pointing to building it supply’s and is sometimes located across the street
If the gas does not shut off in a 1/4 turn at curb you should continue to turn till you meet resistance how many turns may be required?
71/2 to 15 full turns DO NOT TURN THE VALVE MORE THAN 15 times
Can you shut down street valves in a natural gas system?
Do not operate street valves except under extreme circumstance and only with direction of the Fd IC after consulting with utility rep super
Can you touch a leaking plastic gas line?
No although it is easily folded ff should not approach or attempt to fold.
At a major gas leak how many exposers from the left and right should you check?
At least 3 exposers including above and below the leak
What are some indicators of an outside gas leak?
Opaque cloud rising from the ground
Dirt or debris seen blowing in to air from excavation. This would indicate a high pressure leak as well a a loud roaring sound
At a gas leak in the street can you pull manhole covers?
Sewer manhole covers may be removed on orders of a on scene CHIEF.
Electrical man holes need approval from a on scene chief only when requested by the gas rep on scene.
Before you pull gas rep must check for stray voltage.
DO NOT remove square or rectangle covers or ones in doubt or are smoking or arcing.
When searching for a gas curb valve and at the peck valve it says 5-R-25 what does this mean?
You should start from the left corner of the house and go 5 feet right and 25’ at a right angle towards the curb
On a national grid gas system in the rockaways and you see either the letters EFV or NC what does this mean?
EFV = excess flow valve which will automatically shut down the flow of gas if when it senses an excess gas flow
NC indicates no curb valve
Can you use the MSA Altair gas meter for gases other than natural gas?
It is capable of detecting other combustible gases with some variation of the LEL. So due to this variation it should not be used.
How do you zero out he Altair gas meter?
Get to fresh air
Press and hold the reset button for 3 seconds
Press the power button to accept the reset
What are the FDNY action leaves for gas in and out doors?
Indoors 10% of the LEL and outdoor is 20% of the LEL
Low oxygen is set at 19.5 and high is set at 23%. A series of three crosses indicates the oxygen is above 25%
When shutting down a street water shut off how many turns and which way
17 turns counter clockwise
Not till about 12 turns will there be a noticeable decrease in water flow
At wires down you can stretch a line with fog nozzle use distance as a safety factor. How far should you operate this line from downed wires?
At least 25ft
Who confirms power off at a con Ed power station or sub station?
On site utility co personnel
Unless power co rep is on scene do not enter unless human life is in jeopardy.
Where are the identifying letters placed on nozzles and components stamped?
Coupling along the hub adjacent to the coupling lug.
When putting a nozzle out of service where should you forward if for repair?
Repairs and transport unit
The constant pressure feature on the FT-1 fog tip has operating pressure limitations what are they?
When the nozzle pressure is below 70psi the orifice is at its smallest and over 93 psi the baffle will be full open and remand there.
The FT-2 is below 65 or excess of 105
What engine co is responsible to bring the high rise nozzle to the ICP?
4 th due. Every 10-77 will have at least 1 high rise equipped engine on scene
When should the removable tip of the high rise nozzle be checked?
Weekly during MUD and before use.
HRN is 8’ long with a 68 degree 2 foot bend and a T shaped handle
A spotter should be place to observe
2 engine co will be needed to put it in to operating equipped with all regular tools plus FE tools
Tec services issues replacement HRN
What is the range of the multiversal?
90 degrees above horizontal to 15 degrees below horizontal
Safety pin prevents lowering below 35 degrees
No operation below horizontal is permitted unless mounted to the rig
180 degrees traversed horizontally
Stacked tips for the multiversal are? And what are the pressures?
10-75 1 1/4 tip 100 psi 1 1/2 tip 70 psi 2 tip 50 psi
Two supply lines are recommended either way hose should be 15 feet straight back
Flats on spikes are not to exceed 1/16”
Max pressure is 200 psi
8800 combustible gas detector can detect a gas source as little as how many ppm
Initial charging is 24 hours and subsequent recharges are 12-16 hrs
Return broken one to MSU
4 hours of Cont use 30 sec warm up
In the inline pumping evolution the officer called for water what take priority?
Hooking up the inline supply line
Or supplying booster water
Supplying booster water.
The initial hand line stretch is controlled by the door man in a 5 man or the ECC in a 4 man until relived by the control FF
What size main must a hydrant be on for in line pumping?
6” and during water alert shall not be used unless absolutely necessary
No more than 6 lengths used from hydrant to pumper and generally no more the 3 lengths to be back stretched by hand
Can you use 2 1/2 hose to relay water?
Only when absolute necessary
Using the back step buzzer do in line pumping
1 buzzer tone- emergency stop
2 - hose ff in position, pumper to proceed
3- area to rear of pumper is clear for backing up
What hydrant connection should be used by the supply pumper in a relay?
10’ or 35’ connection
Supply the 3 1-2 hose to the pump panel side of the operating pump
Both pumpers must remain in the volume position
Only exception is when the operating pumper needs to over come head pressure at a stand pipe then he operates in the pressure position
What are the Siamese colors?
Standpipe red Auto sprinkler green No auto sprinkler aluminum Combo Yellow The PRD device must be removed when supply a standpipe from a lower floor outlet. But if you can't get it off you can still connect a hand line to it
If a HMTU has four Tech II firefighters and a detail is required to supply the fifth firefighter, the order of preference for such detail is:
- An HMTU with greater than 5 (Five) firefighters. 2. Haz-Mat Co. 1 with greater then 7 (Seven) firefighters. 3. A Squad company with greater than 5 (Five) firefighters. 4. A Tech I firefighter, from a SOC Support Ladder Company with greater than five firefighters. 5. A Decon Engine and/or CPC Ladder trained firefighter with greater than five firefighters. 6. An experienced firefighter (greater than five years seniority), from any unit with surplus staffing.
The Haz-Mat Battalion shall equalize staffing within the command with the objective of having at least four Tech II firefighters in each HMTU.
B) If a HMTU has less than four Tech II firefighters and a detail(s) is required to staff the HMTU to a minimum of four Tech II firefighters, the order of preference for such detail(s) is:
- An HMTU with greater than 4 (Four) firefighters. 2. Haz-Mat Co. 1 with greater then 7 (Seven) firefighters. 3. A Squad Company with greater than 5 (Five) firefighters.
If no surplus exists, overtime will be authorized to obtain the necessary level for each HMTU.
If members are detailed to a quarters within ???? mile, or approximately ???? blocks, of their assigned quarters, walking is considered an acceptable method of traveling to the detailed quarters.
1 mile 20 blocks
Members who are detailed to another quarters more than one mile from their assigned quarters DO NOT HAVE THE OPTION OF WALKING. Such members may use public transportation or, as always, members have the option of using their private vehicles if they so choose.
When the Citywide staffing is below C level, OSA shall arrange for additional details of the FF’s from?
Rebreather 2 (if staffed) and the 5th FF from the four HMTU’s, in that order.
Units with only an officer and a chauffeur shall be placed OOS, however this unit, while still staffed with only a chauffeur and an officer, shall respond to?
any verbal alarms received while in quarters.
These members may be detailed to fill vacancies occurring during the remainder of the tour.
When an officer on duty receives a complaint from any source with condition involving POSSIBLE violation of the law shall inspect when?
Cause a prompt inspection.
when notified of structural or occupancy hazards dangerous to life or property, cause an immediate inspection
Chief and Company Officers shall cause frequent inspections of buildings or occupancies, excluding living quarters, wherein it is suspected fireworks are being illegally stored or sold
. Where such fireworks are discovered, a summons shall be served, the Bureau of Fire Investigation notified and the Police Department called to the scene for confiscation and disposal. A small quantity shall be retained by the company officer for evidence. Receipts shall be obtained from the police official called to the scene.
If a member is arrested or issued a desk appearance what should that member do?
Shall inform the officer on duty
On the next tour the MEMBER shall compleat the arrest member report BP 66 and forwarded to personnel
Officer on duty must make immediate notification to bits deputy and battalion
Hydrants with drain plugs should be marked with what on the hydrant card and maps?
All hydrants low pressure should be inspected twice a year.
What are the colors of the hydrant disks and there use?
White OOS hydrants 41/2 and 21/2 and OOS Aux fire Siamese 3”
Yellow 2 sizes for a frozen hydrant
Blue is 3” for Siamese of a aux fire protection system indicates system is not functioning as fully auto system and may a portion of it work
Company number and disk number painted in black on one side
Hydrants found unserviceable need to have a disk put on it immediately and a report forwarded to the deputy. Who is responsible to fill this out?
The officer who orders the disk placed
After an officer has been notified that a disk has been placed on a hydrant in his admin district he must cause a prompt insp to check the condition
And after notification a hydrant is fixed he must cause a prompt inspection to check and remove disk
If a hydrant card is filled up a second card is started and put in front of the old ones. How many cards do you need to keep?
When a third card is stated the oldest one gets discarded. The are filled out chronological.
Cards shall be take out on inspection and filled out after each is checked. Letter “S” indicated a single hydrant use terms 2 way 3 way 4 way to indicate other types
While inspecting fire protection equipment on bridges a tunnels can you respond to alarms and who is in charge?
Units should not unless otherwise directed by dispatch.
Direct supervision of a deputy chief
If a aluminum ladder is exposed to excessive heat it may effect it’s load capacity even though the medal shows no signs of damage but may show discoloration. If this should happen who should be notified?
Tec services for portable ladders
Where should the numerical length on the portable ladder be marked?
12 in from the end of the ladder
Straight ladders are marked on each end of each rail and extensions at but end only of each rail of the bed ladder and unit designation shall be marked within 18” of each but end same as above
What is the climbing angle for ground ladders?
65-75 degrees
Rules for portable ladder placement for window, roof, against fire escape and along side one on a building wall?
Window- tip level with window
Roof- at least 2’ above roof or parapet
FE- slightly above railing
Along side FE on building wall- 1-3’ above railing
Butt man places left foot center of the bottom rung
Portable ladder facts
Capacities collapsible 300 roof straight and extension 26’ or less 500 and 27 to 35 extension is. 600
Ladder should be secured at tip by first man climbing
Not an always
Lock opposite leg from the way you are leaning
Ladder locks work both fly up and down but we standardize it with the fly up rule
Fire in the cellar ,1st fl or 2nd fl where should portable ladders be placed? Tenements or MD FIRES
Adjacent to and above the fire area
if front FE and overcrowding raise a ladder to the first balcony opposite the drop ladder
Where should a portable ladder be placed when breaking the glass of a window from the ladder?
Upwind and the tip level with or higher then the top of the window
On all portable ladders do not climb higher then the third rung from the top
You shall be recoated 1 a year and if waxed or paraffin is used every 3 mounts and pulleys oiled 1-2 drops once a year
Hydrant facts A white line under the number on the barrel of a hydrant indicates it is on a dead end and is only feed from one direction.
The dresser will provide 10-15% greater discharge then the smith
If a custodian wrench is broken it should be delivered to the division for replacement from tec service
Red air cock hydrants are on mains 30” or greater they are painted red and are an excellent water source, however red satellite water system hydrants are twin hydrants painted red located on large mains are for rapid and adequate water for the satellite water system, ENGINE CO SHOULD AVOID USEING THEM.
Hose facts high pressure hose is 3”hose with 3” butts and has a max working pressure of 600 psi
Each engine should maintain on apparatus as well as in quarters a minimum of 20 13/4 30 21/2 and 10 31/2 of hose.
Hose manufactures name and date of manufacturing is on both ends no less then 4’ from couplings
Coupling manufactures name and date issuance to company on female coupling
Company and registry numbers are on the mail coupling
Bad hose should be sent to tec services
When would the use of a 13/4 hose be inappropriate?
Line is expected to be used from a purely defensive position
Advanced fire on arrival
A large volume of water is required to cool a superheated fire area
Large body of fire in a large uncompartmented area
When the officer can not determine the size or extent of the fire or fire area
Hose facts- load hose from left to right
Engine shall carry no less the. 3- 13/4 and 3-21/2 rolled or folded on rig. Also 1 length of 13/4 with nozzle easily accessible to replace a burst length or short stretch
Hoes test- all hookups are opposite the pump panel. No more then 2 lengths from pumper to gauge. And only 21/2 should be used to supply manifold. No more then 6 lengths to be connected to each outlet on manifold. Place a mark around hose closest to the male end, if movement of 1/8 or more hose is OOS
250 psi shall be maintained for 5 min
How must the hose be secured when stretching up a FE?
With hose straps on alternating floors beginning with the floor below the fire.
You should use the 75’ 3/8” nylon rope to stretch a line when a buildings staircase winds around an elevator shaft. To the roof. Vacants with no stairs. 3rd Line. Ben cids indicates and not stand pipe projects
While stretching hose using a utility rope via stair shaft windows with the stairs wrapping around an elevator what floor should you start using this method?
Third floor and above. If the fire is below the third floor, the ok e is stretched up the stairs.
What size hose can you deem a standpipe system?
Should ALWAYS be supplied with 31/2 hose
Pump discharge pressure for each hose line attached to a standpipe is 100psi plus. 5psi per each floor above ground. Sprinklers should start pumping at 150psi to start
Purple K facts superior extinguishment in combating methanol fires. Handheld extinguisher is 52 lbs and capacity is 27lbs. Tec services for replacement. Checked at the beginning of each tour and thou fly inspected monthly.
Purple K unit. Tec services recharges cylinders. 2 electric reels containing 100’ of 1” hose it is possible to connect 2 lengths together but discharge pressure may be reduced. Purple k should always be used in conjunction with fluoroprotein foam when used on aircraft fuels. Fully deploy all hose from real and it lasted less then 2 min
How much AFFF do u use in a 21/2 gal can?
10 oz of. 3% AFFF concentrate
Do not mix one type of concentrate with another.
Good for 1 year from when you filled and charged it
While utilizing the modified angus foam cannon attached to a satellite who will call for them to start water?
The chief in charge
Stretching a foam hand line facts
Only 13/4 hose can be stretched between the eductor and the foam nozzle max 4 lengths. The eductor must be placed at least 1 length from the pumper supplied with a 21/2. 200 psi at the eductor
Use matching GPM foam nozzle and eductor both should have a 1” white band
Can you apply different type of low X foam at the same time?
But not low and high X at same time
Also no mixing different kinds for storage
Fluoroprotein facts- it is superior in preventing re-ignition and burn back. It is not suitable for polar solvent fuels ( alcohols ketones ect or pure MTBE.
AFFF spreads rapidly over surface leading to a faster knockdown of the fire than protein base foam.
Has a rapid drainage time.
Fluoropolydol facts- superior for extinguishing hydrocarbon eg gas and fuel oil as well as polar solvents eg alcohol and ketones. It is preferred if entry is going to be made in to a pool of fuel and shall be continuously applied