JH musical rhythms and terms Flashcards
What does the term andante mean?
At a moderatley slow tempo
What does this time signature “common time” mean?
It is another way of writing 4/4 time
What does the time signature “cut time” mean?
It is another way of writing 2/2 time, or can be counted as a faster 4/4.
How many eighth note triplets are spread evenly across one beat?
What does “mixed meter” mean?
When the meter, or time signature, changes throughout the piece.
How many beats per measure are in 6/8 time? What note gets one beat?
Six, and the eighth note.
How many flats are in the key signature for b-flat major?
Two - E flat and B flat
How many sharps are in the key signature for G major?
One - F sharp
How many flats are in the key signature for F major?
One - B flat
How many sharps are in the key signature for D major?
Two - F sharp and C sharp.
How many keys are on a typical full sized piano keyboard?
What note gets one beat in 2/4 time?
Quarter note
How many beats does a whole note get in 4/4 time?
How many beats does a half note get in 6/8 time?
How many beats does a dotted quarter note get in 6/8 time?
What does the term D.C. al Fine mean?
Return to the beginning and end at the fine.
What does the term Moderato mean?
At a medium tempo
What does the term Allegro mean?
At a fast tempo
What major key has no sharps or flats?
C major
On the piano, are flats located a half step above or a half step below the note?
What is an enharmonic note?
A note that is equivalent to another note. One note that can have more than one note name.
How many beats does a dotted half note get in 3/4 time?
Three beats.