Jewish History key information Flashcards
The three main sects
most closely resembled Rabbinic Judaism. They believed in the Oral & Written Torah, the Messiah and that an after-life existed wherein G-d would punish the wicked and reward the righteous
elitists, who wanted to maintain the priestly class but they were also willing to incorporate Hellenism. They did not believe in the Oral Law or the afterlife. They disappeared after 70 C.E. and we don’t have much writing about them.
the religious leadership had corrupted Jerusalem and the Temple so they moved to the Judean desert. They lived a very quiet life in the desert, observing string dietary laws, as well as a commitment to celibacy. They referred to themselves as the “Yachad,” meaning community
Which Sect was largest, survived the destruction of the Temple, and is the basis for Rabbinic Judaism
Problems with Hasmonean rule
they were Hellenizers, they were corrupt, they made themselves Kings and High Priests, they didn’t follow all of the Jewish ritual laws
Alexander Yannai
He was hated by many, especially by the Pharisees. He was convinced that the Pharisees were against him and he had all of the sages killed.
Before he died, he told his wife to hide his death until she secured the kingdom. He also told her to be good to the Pharisees so they would support her.
Salome Alexandra
She became queen. She made peace with the Pharisees and had a successful reign.
Aristobulus II & Hyrcanus II
Yannai’s two sons did not want to take over the kingdom. They tried to get Judea back from Rome but they failed.
What did Herod do that was good?
he built the temple
What did Herod do that was bad?
– Placed a golden eagle on the gate of the Jerusalem Temple (a symbol of Roman power)
– He had his nephew killed and also killed his eldest son Antipater, and then his two most popular sons
–Also had his wife killed
Why did Herod rebuild the temple?
he felt bad for killing all of the rabbis and sages
When was Jesus born and when did he die?
He was born in Nazareth in the Galilee in 4 B.C.E.
Who crucified Jesus and why?
The Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate, tried and convicted Jesus of treason and he was crucified.
What was Jesus’ nickname
King of Jews (it was intended to be mean)
What did Jesus preach?
He spent much of his life preaching against those in power and corruption.
Where did we learn most of what we know about Jesus?
Much of what we know comes from the Four Gospels, who blamed Jews for the killing of Jesus. The Four Gospels are Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.
Why did Rabban Gamliel created Birkat Ha-Minim?
As a response to the Jews who were beginning to follow Christianity. It was meant to threaten Jews the chose to follow Christianity.
What did Augustin say about the Jews?
He blamed Jews for Jesus’ death
Who was Paul of Tarsu and what did he believe?
He was one of his followers (he had never met Jesus) who said that it is only faith that is needed to be a Christian; you didn’t need to follow Jewish laws.
Who was blamed for Jesus’ death?
The Jews.
At the time of Jesus, who was considered the Messiah?
At the time of Jesus, things were hard in Judea and people were looking for a Messiah and many of Jesus’ followers proclaimed him to be the Messiah. The name “Christ” means Messiah
Who started the Great Revolt and how?
siccari burnt the food to get the jews to join them
What was the role of Josephus in the Great Revolt?
he convinced his solders to kill themselves and then serended. then he helped Titus to concur Jerusalem
What was the role of Vespasian in the Great Revolt?
he was the general and then he became the emperor
What was the role of Titus in the Great Revolt?
he concurred Jerusalem and destroyed the temple
What was the role of Sicarii in the Great Revolt?
The Sicarii gained access to Jerusalem and committed a series of atrocities against the Jews to incite them into war against the Romans.
The Sicarii, in an attempt to radicalize everyone burned all the dry food. This resulted in starvation and much suffering.
YBZ’s escape from Jerusalem and meeting with Vespasian
he faked his own death and then met up with the vaspasian and asked for yavneh and the rabbis
Destruction of the 2nd Temple (dates)
The temple was destroyed in 70 C.E. when Jerusalem was captured.
Description and purposes of Judea Capta coin, Arch of Titus
Judea Capta coin–woman crying under a palm tree with a Roman soldier. The message was to proclaim victory for Rome and to warn others.
YBZ and Takkanot (need to know what Takkanot are)
Takkanot were way to alter Judaism in a post-Temple world
Rabban Gamliel
He wanted to unify the Jewish community.
He established a calendar and fixed the dates for the Jewish holidays.
He connected Jewish communities in Israel and the diaspora through laws and practices.
Hadrian—his role
He renamed Jerusalem “Aelia Captiolina” and built a temple for Jupiter. He also banned the brit milah.
Bar Kochba believed to be Messiah—why? Why did they want a Messiah?
They wanted a Messiah because under the new Roman emperor Hadrian, the Jews felt oppressed and suffered political, social, and economic hardship. They even tried to rebuild the Temple, but the attempt failed.
Rabbi Akiva
Rabbi Akiva supported the idea that Bar Kochba was the Messiah.
Dio Cassius
He was the Roman historian who wrote from the Roman perspective
Who wrote down the Mishna and why?
Rabbi Yehuda ha-Nasi wrote the Mishna because he was afraid that oral law would be forgotten.
Who helped to organize Mishna?
Rabbi Akiva’s students.
How many orders of the Mishna?
63 tractates, divided into 6 orders.
What are rabbis of the Mishna called?
What is “Dina d’Malchuta Dina” and how is it mostly used?
Means that the law of the land is the law. This meant that a requirement of secular law becomes a Halachic obligation as well (often this was about taxes or other civil matters)
Where was Talmud written?
The work was done in Usha because the rabbis were forced to flee from Yavneh and Jerusalem after the Bar Kochba revolt.
What are Rabbi’s of the Talmud called?
Sura & Pumbedita—what are they and who started them?
Ray established an academy in Sura and Pumbedita. The began the period of the Talmud.
compare the 2 revolts! important on the exam. (Bar Kochba and Great revolt)
The great revolt went from 67 - 70 CE. The scary started it. This led to the destruction of the temple and the Fall of Masada.
Bar Kochba revolt went from 132 -135 CE, Rabbi kiva thought barkochba was the messiah.