Jewdaism Beliefs Flashcards
What is the shema
Central prayer in Judaism. Recited 2 times a day, expressing Gods singularity.
How is God shown to be a law giver
Gave us 10 commandments which we must live our lives by
How is God shown as a judge
God judges Jews on how well they follow the laws.
Gods judgements are fair and merciful.
Gods actions bring Jews closer to God and bad actions lead them away.
Jews believe that they are judged once a year and when they die.
“Blessed are you Lord our God King of the Universe the true judge”
What is the Shekhinah (divine presence)
It is Gods divine presence.
Believed tabernacle carrying God’s divine presence lead the Jews on their exodus from Egypt.
Pillar of fire or cloud also led them
How was Earth created
- Day and Night
- Sky
- Earth sea and plants
- Sun moon stars
- Fish and Birds
- Animals and humans
- Rested
How is God a sustainer.
God sustains the universe and provides everything needed for life. Jews choose to help those in nead as it fufils Gods plan.
How do humans have free will
God granted humans with free will. This means if there was no evil we would not have free will. This is why Jews believe God created both good and evil.
Where do people go when they die
Good people go to Paradise called Gan Eden.
Bad people go to Sheol where their souls get clensed.
What happens in the Messianic age
Orthodox Jews believe that supernatural evetns such as resurection will happen.
It is a time when the Messia comes and saves the world from sin.
“Nation shall not take up sword against nation. They shall never again know war”
Covenant with Abraham
Abraham was one of the founders of Jewdaism. The Abrahamic Covenant is the agreements God made with Abraham. He left his home in Iraq and travaled to Noph for God and in return all his desendents will have a great nation
Covenent at Sinai
Moses was the founder of the Jewish nation. The Hebrews where mistreated and Moses set 10 plagues on them to set the Hebrews go. Moses guided them into safety. He found out the Hebrews where worshiping statues so on Mount Sinai Moses struck Golden Cow with 10 commandments
“Honour you father and mother”
“Shall not swear falsely by the mane of the Lord your God”
Remember the Sabath day, keap it holy
Pikuach nefesh
This princible allows Jews to break a law in order to save a life. There are 4 exeptions to the rule and in no circumstances can Murder, idolatry , incest and adultery occure.
The escape from Egypt
Hebrews where slaves in Egypt. God sent 10 plagues upon Egypt to make the pharaoh let the Hebrew go. Moses guided the Hebrew out of Egypt and parted waters to get to Jericho