Jesus Sheds Light on the Mystery and Dignity of the Person Flashcards
Why is man the only creature willed by God for its own sake?
Because man can share in God’s knowledge and love.
What enables humans to know and love God?
Intellect and free will
Why is man called to be a steward of creation?
To care for the earth as God’s steward
What kind of love are humans capable of as images of God?
Self-giving love
What does being created in the image of God mean for humans?
It is a gift and a task
What happened to human communion with God after the entry of sin?
It was shattered
How did God respond to the chaos caused by sin?
He sent His Son to save humanity
What does it mean to be redeemed by Christ’s blood?
We are forgiven and reconciled with God
What does Ephesians 1:3-7 say about our redemption?
We are chosen and redeemed through Christ’s blood
How does the Holy Spirit renew us?
Through spiritual transformation
What is required for us to receive the Holy Spirit’s inspiration?
We must freely accept it
Who deserves the merit of our good works?
God and the faithful
What does the Aristotelian-Thomistic hierarchy of beings teach about humans?
Humans have rationality, intellect, and free will
What is the Catechism for Filipino Catholics’ view of the human person?
Humans are open and relational by nature
What does being an “embodied spirit” mean?
The body and soul are united