Jesus genealogi Flashcards
1) 10st
Static - Action - Setting
5555 BC - Adam & Eve - Dirt/Human & Life
(Klassiska bilden med löv, faller ihop till en jordhög där ett äppleträd växer fram med bebisar som frukt)
5325 BC - Seth - Substituted
Två ögon, kastas bort och ersätts med två äpplen i frack(Abel)
5120 BC - Enosh - Man
Enhörning hyschar, man mycket hår brottar ner enhörningen hyschar han-
De båda tillber sedan Gud.
4930 BC - Cainan - A nest / Fixed
Kanna med kryckor, lagd i ett fågelbo
4760 BC - Mahalalel - praise of God
Motorcykel, Yamaha som sjunger ”lala” med lyfta händer och ett leende(blink).
4595 BC - Jered - to come or go down, descend
En gepard som är röd, sänks/går ner
4430 BC - Enoch(365) - initiated, to train up, dedicate
Enhörning med ok & svettband/abs- drar en sol med visselpipa… solen drar upp båda till himmeln
4270 BC - Methuselah - man of the branch/spear
Breaking bad med klättersele röker meth, får ett spjut genom sig den blir till en gren.
4080 BC - Lamech(777) - (reversed king Melech), For Humiliation.
Kung hängd uppochner, kastar paj på han.
3900 BC - Noah - rest, resting place
Arken är en säng för Noam
2) 12st
3400 BC - Shem - name, renow-ned, honor, fame-ous,
Semla hyschar, sätts på prispallen med namnbricka på sig.
3300 BC - Arphaxad/Arpachshad - Healer, releaser
Harpa hyschar två gånger mot skuggan. Får bandage och blir fri från handbojan.
3030 BC - Shelah - branch/spear, a reservoir/fountain in Jerusalem
Katt i knät spinner, spjut igenom katten sprutar vatten blir en ”pöl” under och spjutet ett kors.
2900 BC - Eber - region beyond/across
Ebay reklamskylt för bön, flod splittras av skylten.
2770 BC - Peleg - canal/stream, (devided)
Finger med ben, blir delad och åker längst kanaler
2640 BC - Reu - friend, a pasture
Ren får hästsko, släpps på ängen äter med en vän.
2505 BC Serug - to be intertwined
Matta med ögon (flygga de mattan?), blir hopbunden med annan matta
2375 BC - Nahor - nostrils, snorting. Breathing Hard.
Nalle med horn, blir uppsugen av en näsa.
2300 BC - Terah - Breather, Wanderer
Tekopp ramlar, andas och vandrar iväg
2170 BC - Abram (exalted father + father of a multitude)
Skinka med trollkarlshatt/stav, drar ut massa bebisar från hatten.
2070 BC - Isac + Rebecka - he (will) laughs, proudly
Isbit, börjar asgarva, blir kär i en bäck
2005 BC - Jacob - heel-catcher, deals craftily.
Nickande sälbebis(blöja), ljushuvud = fångar hälen.
3) 10st
Judah(Tamar) - praised, celebrated, hands out, to throw
Ortodox jude, lyfta händer kastar konfetti på tarmar som han kysser.
Perez - a bursting forth, breach, overflow, employ violence
Päron, börjar skaka och blir så arg att han blir en vulkan
Hezron - court-yard, enclosure, court, village
Halsduk och halstablett Ron, i en låda avspärrad tejp runt om.
Ram - to be high or exalted, rise, rose, became proud
Bock i tavla, blir uppdragen långt upp
Aminadab - People of Liberality, My Kinsman Is Noble
- Ammande person trampar på mina dabar. Folk släpper massa vita duvor - som hjälper henne.
Nahshon - The serpant, enchanter, to practice divination, observe signs
- Nalle hyschar ån, orm kommer upp med trollstav.
Salma - clothing, a wrapper, garment
- Salva på Alma(ansikte), blir lindad i tyg, inrullad i mantel
1283 BC - Boaz(Ruth)- quickness, to be strong.
Fågelbo med död gam, lyfter boet och springer iväg
1213 BC - Obed - serving, slave bondage, enslave, work-ers, transgress
Rund säng, arbetare i handbojor piskas
Jesse - being, substance, existence, owns
Flaska med Yes, drar till sig Ved/Sten/Järn
4a), 10st
1040 BC - David(Bathsheba) - beloved one, love, uncle
Nathan - given, to give, put, set, injured, send, yield, entrust
Mattithyah - gift of Yah, reward
Menan - soothsayer: enchanted””, foresee the future., What?”
Melea - to be full, Fullness or Fulfilment.
Eliakim - God sets up, God of raising, accuses, fulfill
Jonam - Yah Is Gracious, Gift of God, (Dove)
Joseph - he increases, let him add
Judah - praised, celebrated, hands out, to throw
Simeon - hearing, to hear and obey, announce, witness
5a) 10st
Levi - attached, to join, be joined
Mattithyah - gift of Yah, reward
Joram - the LORD is exalted, Jehovah-raised;
Eliezer - God is help, helper
Joshua - the LORD is salvation,
Er - watchful, to rouse oneself, awake, (opening the eyes)
Elmondam - The God of measure, God Of Blood
Cosam - Divining, fortelled
Addi - to pass by or over.
Melchi - king
6a) - 10st
Neri - to flow or to shine, my light
Salathiel - Asked, lent of God.
Zerubbabel - begotten in Babylon, to burn, scorch, babel, Pressed Out Of Babel.
Rhesa - , to have lost liberty and civil rights, primality, chief, head, top,
Joanna - God is gracious
Judah - praised, celebrated, hands out, to throw
Joseph - he increases, let him add
Semei - (shama’), to hear and obey, renown
Mattathias - gift of Yah, reward
Maath - to be small, few
7a), 12st
Nagge - to lighten or reflect light, My Brightness
Esli - Reserved By Jehovah, to approximate
Naum - to be sorry or to comfort. Consolation or Compassion, Full Of Comfort.
Amos - to load, carry a load
Mattathias - gift of Yah, reward
Joseph - he increases, let him add
Janna - Yah Is Gracious.
Melchi - king
Levi - attached, to join, be joined
“Joachim (Anne) - ““the LORD raises up”” , (Anne) - Favor or Grace, but it also means Ah! Now!.”
Mary - God - (Joseph) - Their Rebellion., Occasions That Call For Myrrh
Jesus, Gods son, ha massiach
4b), 7st
1010 BC - David(Bathsheba) - beloved one, love, uncle
970 BC - Solomon - peaceful, completeness, soundness, welfare, peace
930 BC - Rehoboam - a people has enlarged
915 BC - Abijah - Yah is my father+
910 BC - Asa - healer, to suffer harm, Who Will Heal.
870 BC - Jehoshaphat - the LORD has judged
850 BC - Jehoram - the LORD is exalted
5b, 7st
835 BC - Jehoash - Whom The Lord Holds Fast, YHWHs fire, Yah is Strong
795 BC - Amaziah - Yah is mighty
790 BC - (co reign) Azariah - Yah has helped
750 BC - Jotham - the LORD is perfect
735 BC - Ahaz - he has grasped, take possession
725 BC - Hezekiah - Yah has strengthened
695 BC - Manasseh - causing to forget
6b), 7st
695 BC - Manasseh - causing to forget
655 BC - Amon - masterworkman, architect, skilled
640 BC - Josiah - Yah supports, foundation
Eliakim - God sets up
Jehoiachin - the LORD appoints/establish
Salathiel - prisoner (was regarded as the second Exilarch (or king-in-exile) = I asked El
Abiud - The Father Is Majesty
7b), 10st
- Jesus
Eliakim - God sets up
Azor - Helper
Zadoc - to be just or righteous
Achim - Established, a brother
Eliud - God of majesty
Eleazar - God has/is helped
Matthan (Esther) - Gift
Heli/Joachim (Anne) - God Is High
Jacob - heel-catcher, deals craftily, utterly
Joseph (Mary) - he increases, let him add
1- A/E, S, E, C, M, J, E, M, L, N. 10st.
5555 BC - Adam & Eve - Dirt/Human & Life
5325 BC - Seth - Substituted
5120 BC - Enosh - Man
4930 BC - Cainan - A nest / Fixed
4760 BC - Mahalalel - praise of God
4595 BC - Jered - to come or go down, descend
4430 BC - Enoch(365) - initiated, to train up, dedicate
4270 BC - Methuselah - “man of the branch/spear””
4080 BC - Lamech(777) - (reversed king Melech), For Humiliation.
3900 BC - Noah - rest, resting place
2- S, A, S, E, P, R, S, N, T, A, I, J
3400 BC - Shem - name, renow-ned, honor, fame-ous,
3300 BC - Arphaxad - Healer, releaser
3030 BC - Shelah - branch/spear, a reservoir/fountain in Jerusalem
2900 BC - Eber - region beyond/across
2770 BC - Peleg - canal/stream, (devided)
2640 BC - Reu - friend, a pasture
2505 BC .Serug - to be intertwined
2375 BC - Nahor - nostrils, snorting. Breathing Hard.
2300 BC - Terah - Breather, Wanderer
2170 BC - Abram (exalted father + father of a multitude)
2070 BC - Isac + Rebecka - he (will) laughs, proudly
2005 BC - Jacob - heel-catcher, deals craftily, utterly
3 - J, P, H, R, A, N, S, B, O, J.
Judah(Tamar) - praised, celebrated, hands out, to throw
Perez - a bursting forth, breach, overflow, employ violence
Hezron - court-yard, enclosure, court, village
Ram - to be high or exalted, rise, rose, became proud
Aminadab - People of Liberality, My Kinsman Is Noble
Nahshon - The serpant, enchanter, to practice divination, observe signs
Salma - clothing, a wrapper, garment
1283 BC - Boaz - quickness, to be strong.
1213 BC - Obed - serving, slave bondage, enslave, work-ers, transgress
Jesse - being, substance, existence, owns
4a- D, N, M, M, M, E, J, J, J, S
1040 BC - David(Bathsheba) - beloved one, love, uncle
Nathan - given, to give, put, set, injured, send, yield, entrust
Mattithyah - gift of Yah, reward
“Menan - soothsayer: enchanted””, foresee the future., What?”
Melea - to be full, Fullness or Fulfilment.
Eliakim - God sets up, God of raising, accuses, fulfill
Jonam - Yah Is Gracious, Gift of God, (Dove)
Joseph - he increases, let him add
Judah - praised, celebrated, hands out, to throw
Simeon - hearing, to hear and obey, announce, witness
5a- L, M, J, E, J, E, E, C, A, M.
6a- N, S, Z, R, J, J, J, S, M, M.
Neri - to flow or to shine, my light
Salathiel - Asked, lent of God.
Zerubbabel - begotten in Babylon, to burn, scorch, babel, Pressed Out Of Babel.
Rhesa - , to have lost liberty and civil rights, primality, chief, head, top,
Joanna - God is gracious
Judah - praised, celebrated, hands out, to throw
Joseph - he increases, let him add
Semei - (shama’), to hear and obey, renown
Mattathias - gift of Yah, reward
Maath - to be small, few
7a- N, E, N, A, M, J, J, M, L, J, M, J
Nagge - to lighten or reflect light, My Brightness
Esli - Reserved By Jehovah, to approximate
Naum - to be sorry or to comfort. Consolation or Compassion, Full Of Comfort.
Amos - to load, carry a load
Mattathias - gift of Yah, reward
Joseph - he increases, let him add
Janna - Yah Is Gracious.
Melchi - king
Levi - attached, to join, be joined
“Joachim (Anne) - ““the LORD raises up”” , (Anne) - Favor or Grace, but it also means Ah! Now!.”
Mary - God - (Joseph) - Their Rebellion., Occasions That Call For Myrrh
Jesus, Gods son, ha massiach
4b) D, S, R, A, A, J, J
1010 BC - David(Bathsheba) - beloved one, love, uncle
970 BC - Solomon - peaceful, completeness, soundness, welfare, peace
930 BC - Rehoboam - a people has enlarged
915 BC - Abijah - Yah is my father+
910 BC - Asa - healer, to suffer harm, Who Will Heal.
870 BC - Jehoshaphat - the LORD has judged
850 BC - Jehoram - the LORD is exalted
5b) A, J, A, U, J, A, H.
835 BC - Jehoash - Whom The Lord Holds Fast, YHWHs fire, Yah is Strong
795 BC - Amaziah - Yah is mighty
790 BC - (co reign) Azariah - Yah has helped
750 BC - Jotham - the LORD is perfect
735 BC - Ahaz - he has grasped, take possession
725 BC - Hezekiah - Yah has strengthened
695 BC - Manasseh - causing to forget
6b) M, A, J, E, J, S, A
695 BC - Manasseh - causing to forget
655 BC - Amon - masterworkman, architect, skilled
640 BC - Josiah - Yah supports, foundation
Eliakim - God sets up
Jehoiachin - the LORD appoints/establish
Salathiel - prisoner (was regarded as the second Exilarch (or king-in-exile) = I asked El
Abiud - The Father Is Majesty
7b) E, A, Z, A, E, E, M, H(J), J, J 10st
- Jesus
Eliakim - God sets up
Azor - Helper
Zadoc - to be just or righteous
Achim - Established, a brother
Eliud - God of majesty
Eleazar - God has/is helped
Matthan (Esther) - Gift
Heli/Joachim (Anne) - God Is High
Jacob - heel-catcher, deals craftily, utterly
Joseph (Mary) - he increases, let him add