Jernigan_Camp Skeletal system test Flashcards
3 what is the hollow insides of a bone
- skeletal5Fsystem
1 what is under the periosteum
- skeletal5Fsystem
5 the bottom back bone of head is called the
- Skull5Fside
6 What is above the mandible
- Skull5Fside
7 what bone is in the front of the head
- Skull5Fside
10 what is under the frontal bone
20 what is under the tibia & the fibula
Tarsal, talus, bone or the gliding joint
- Skeleton2DPosterior5FLateralView
22 what is at the end of the toe
Distal phalange
- Skeleton2DPosterior5FLateralView
23 what type of bone is above the distal phalange
Long bone
- Notes-ostelogoy, 2 skeletons and 5 bones
26 what is under the lumbar vertebrae
Sacrum (5 vertebrae)
29 what bone is around the eye
- Cranium
31 what bone is in the eye
Zygomatic bone
- Skull5Fside
33 what is not a function of the skeletal system
Circulating blood
38 The spine is made up of little ring shaped bones. Which of the following is the correct order from top to bottom for the number of bones I’m the different sections of the vertebral column
42 which organ system makes blood cells
Skeletal system
- skeletal5Fsystem
43 what kind of motion is possible with a hinge joint
Backward & forward
- WKST5F2D5FThe5FSkeletal5FSystem
48 arms & legs are part of the
Appendicular system
- Questions_-_Human_Skeleton,_Joints_of_the_Skeleton,_and_Healthy_Bones_and_Joints_copy
49 which of these bones is part of the appendicular skeleton
- Questions_-_Human_Skeleton,_Joints_of_the_Skeleton,_and_Healthy_Bones_and_Joints_copy
51 where is the place where two or more bones meet
WKST the skeleton
54 the pelvic griddle & pectoral girdles makes up the
Appendicular skeleton
- Questions_-_Human_Skeleton,_Joints_of_the_Skeleton,_and_Healthy_Bones_and_Joints_copy
55 beneath the outer membrane of bone there is a layer of
Compact bone
- skeletal5Fsystem
64 compact bone is made of
- skeletal5Fsystem
66 what does the vertebral column along with the skull & rib cage form
Axial skeleton
- Questions_-_Human_Skeleton,_Joints_of_the_Skeleton,_and_Healthy_Bones_and_Joints_copy
67 what are tarsals
ankle bones
68 what bones make up the bones of the palm
69 what are carpals?
Wrist bones
70 what are the ribs attached T8-T10 called
False ribs
71 What is made up of the facial bones & the cranium
- Cranium
73 What bone or bones help make up the orbit
Zygomatic, Sphenoid, frontal
- Cranium
72 What is the tibia
The shin bone
- Bones5Fof5Fthe5FAnterior
75 what is the sternum
Breast bone
- Bones5Fof5Fthe5FAnterior
77 what is the clavicle
Collar bone
- Bones5Fof5Fthe5FAnterior
79 T or F one function of you LIGAMENT is to help protect your organs
82 what kind of motion does the hinge joint allow & what bones make it up
Backward & forward motion, femur, patella, tibia, fibula
83 Which joint provides the greatest range of motion, what bones make up this joint
Ball & socket, scapula, clavicle, humerus
- WKST5F2D5FThe5FSkeletal5FSystem
85 The joint in the skull is separated by a line what bones are separated
Parietal & frontal
- Skull5Fside
86 what bone make up the pivot joint
Atlas & axis
- WKST5F2D5FThe5FSkeletal5FSystem
87 Which joints are movable which are immovable
Ball & socket, pivot and gliding joint movable, skull joint immovable
- WKST5F2D5FThe5FSkeletal5FSystem