jeopardy questions Flashcards
When treating daytime urinary incontinence, nighttime urinary incontinence, and encopresis, this should be treated first.
What is encopresis?
This is indicated in a child with significant hypospadius, which results in outflow abnormalities and likely sexual dysfunction.
What is referral to a surgeon?
This is the most important portion of a workup for undescended testes.
What is the physical exam?
In a younger child who is febrile, sick appearing, with back pain, and concern regarding UTI, this diagnostic is indicated.
What is renal ultrasound?
Eighty-five percent of this communicating scrotal abnormality resolves by 18 months of age.
What is a hydrocele?
This is the most common composition of renal calculi.
What is calcium?
This diagnostic finding is most indicative of acute pyelonephritis.
What are white blood cell casts?
This is the threshold for AIDS diagnosis.
What is a CD-4 count of less than 200 cells/mL?
This is the HIV test with highest specificity and used to confirm diagnosis.
What is the Western Blot Test?
This is the greatest risk factor for transmission of HIV.
What is viral load?
Pneumocystis pneumonia prophylaxis should be started at this CD4+ T cell count
What is 200 cells/mL?
This is the area of the prostate that becomes hyperplastic with BPH.
What is the transition zone?
This condition can cause repeat nephrolithiasis, specifically if stones are found to be calcium based. Lab studies show increased PTH.
What is primary hyperparathyroidism?
This scrotal mass will trans-illuminate.
What is hydrocele or spermatocele?
It is seen commonly in a male has dull aching in his left scrotum over the last two months, worse when standing for a long period of time or with vigorous activity, but improved when lying down. Dilated veins are seen in the left scrotum, appearing to look like a “bag of worms”. Both testes are palpable without masses.
What is a varicocele?