Jeopardy Gems Flashcards
PRECIOUS STONES–200–Mother of this! It’s a type of handle a revolver can have
PRECIOUS STONES–400–A David Caruso film, or a valuable stone found in Chinese carvings from 1400 B.C.
PRECIOUS STONES–600–You might need one to pay your hospital bills if you take a fall on a double this ski trail
PRECIOUS STONES–800–The ancient Greeks raised a toast to this purple gem, believed to protect them from drunkenness
PRECIOUS STONES–1000–Sounding like a noted political writer for the N.Y. Times, it’s a blue gem variety of corundum
GEMS–200–Varieties of it have included the fire, the white, the black, but not the Buick
GEMS–400–Color of a peridot
GEMS–600–The name of this gemstone is from the Persian “zargun” meaning gold-colored
GEMS–800–The largest blue diamond and the largest pearl have been given this name
GEMS–1000–The two gem names that end in the letters -nyx
onyx and sardonyx
GEMS–200–When they’ve grown attached to an oyster or mussel shell, these gems are called blisters
GEMS–400–After emerald, this blue-green gem is the most highly prized of the beryls
GEMS–600–The harlequin type of this gem is characterized by angular patches of fire
GEMS–800–A Matura diamond is actually a variety of this mineral that’s used as a diamond substitute
GEMS–1000–Resembling topaz, this quartz gem derives it’s name from its lemon-yellow color
ANIMALS, VEGETABLES, MINERALS–400–Canis lupus is the scientific name for the gray one of these
a wolf
ANIMALS, VEGETABLES, MINERALS–800–This white legume has long been a staple of a branch of the armed forces, hence its name
the navy bean
ANIMALS, VEGETABLES, MINERALS–1200–The reptile family Helodermatidae consists of only 2 members, the Mexican beaded lizard & this poisonous guy
the Gila monster
ANIMALS, VEGETABLES, MINERALS–3000–Used in watches, it’s the most common piezoelectric crystal
ANIMALS, VEGETABLES, MINERALS–2000–Verona & Treviso are varieties of this bitter, red-leafed salad green
ROCKS & MINERALS–200–Kaolin, a pure type of this potter’s material, is formed when feldspar decomposes
ROCKS & MINERALS–400–Of basalt, schist & obsidian, the one not an igneous rock
ROCKS & MINERALS–600–Also called white mica, its name sounds like an inhabitant of the Russian capital
ROCKS & MINERALS–5000–When scratched against a surface, hematite leaves this color streak
ROCKS & MINERALS–1000–You may be “board” to know that this natural abrasive is second only to diamonds in hardness
GEMS & JEWELRY–100–The 1st of these crystalline carbon gems discovered in South Africa was found in 1867
GEMS & JEWELRY–200–These green beryls have been obtained from Cleopatra’s mines rediscovered around 1816
GEMS & JEWELRY–300–This type of sapphire contains needles of the mineral rutile, that reflect light in 6 rays
Star Sapphires
GEMS & JEWELRY–400–This sanguine March birthstone is dark green chalcedony spotted with red jasper
GEMS & JEWELRY–500–Nephrite is the less prized of the 2 minerals that form this gemstone valued in Asia
GEMS–800–Organic & opaque, they represent purity & virginity
GEMS–1000–Stone of Laz, the Arabian goddess of love
lapis lazuli
GEMS & JEWELRY–100–In the 1930s Carroll F. Chatham invented a process to create these green gems artificially
GEMS & JEWELRY–200–This highly prized form of corundum gets its red color from minute amounts of chromium
GEMS & JEWELRY–300–The waters north of Australia yield large silver-white ones of these
GEMS & JEWELRY–400–Alexandrite & this “feline” gemstone are varieties of the same mineral
Cat’s Eye
GEMS & JEWELRY–500–These October birthstones may lose their color & crack if allowed to dry out
GEMS–200–Sapphires come in many colors, but the finest ones are this color
GEMS–400–This country’s diamond rush began after some Boer children found a 21-carat stone in 1866
South Africa
GEMS–600–Auguste Verneuil developed the flame-fusion process of creating these red gems artificially
GEMS–800–This “sea-colored” gem, a birthstone for March, should be cleaned often to retain its sparkle
GEMS–1000–Chatoyancy is the special luminous quality that makes these gems resemble feline features
Cat’s Eye
GEMS & JEWELS–200–Chinese carvings of this stone from the Ching period are especially treasured by collectors
GEMS & JEWELS–400–The most valued of these gems are a deep purplish red color known as “pigeon blood”
GEMS & JEWELS–600–A small amount of copper in this state gemstone of New Mexico gives it its bluish color
GEMS & JEWELS–2200–An intaglio is essentially the reverse of this type of gem carving
GEMS & JEWELS–1000–The name of this purple quartz comes from the Greek meaning “not intoxicated”
ROCKS & MINERALS–100–The zircon is second only to this gem in ability to disperse light
ROCKS & MINERALS–200–Henri Becquerel discovered this property when some uranium darkened his photographic plate
ROCKS & MINERALS–300–A mixture containing antimony is sprayed on canvas to render it this
ROCKS & MINERALS–500–The Carrera type of this is from Italy, Pentelic from Greece & Yule from Colorado
ROCKS & MINERALS–100–Term for a lump of gold; the farther it’s traveled from its source, the more rounded it is
ROCKS & MINERALS–200–The most prized turquoise is this bird-related shade
Robin’s Egg Blue
ROCKS & MINERALS–300–Like graphite, molybdenite is used as a solid one of these for moving parts
ROCKS & MINERALS–400–Calcite is recognizable from the bubbles that form when this is applied during a test
ROCKS & MINERALS–500–Deposits near the mouth of the Orange River have been a rich source of these precious gemstones
GEMS & JEWELRY–100–In 1847 Louis Cartier founded an elegant jewelry firm in this capital city
GEMS & JEWELRY–200–One of the most important mines for these green gems is found at Muzo, Colombia
GEMS & JEWELRY–300–The Jonker, a 726-carat gem of this kind, was discovered in South Africa in 1934
GEMS & JEWELRY–400–It’s the color of the Star of India, a famous 563-carat sapphire
GEMS & JEWELRY–500–The “sherry” type of this golden gemstone is sometimes heated to turn it pink
THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT–200–The Bureau’s Hotshot Crews are part of its responsibility for these events on 388 million acres
forest fires
THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT–400–In 2004 the BLM announced a fee increase to $30 to stake a new one of these
mining claims
THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT–600–There’s no free land from the BLM; this practice enshrined in an 1862 law was abolished in 1976
THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT–1000–Of the lower 48, this state has the most land under exclusive BLM jurisdiction, more than 75,000 square miles
THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT–1000–The BLM administers Escalante National Monument, including “No Man’s” this formation
PRECIOUS METALS–0–The largest single accumulation of gold known, about $90 billion from several countries, is found in this U.S. state
New York
WHAT A GEM!–200–Chrysoberyl is also known by this name because it resembles the pupil of a feline
cat’s eye
WHAT A GEM!–400–Emeralds owe their beautiful green color to tiny amounts of this element, Cr, in their crystals
WHAT A GEM!–600–The name of this ornamental stone is a combination of Latin & Persian for “azure stone”
lapis lazuli
WHAT A GEM!–800–This purple gem is associated with St. Matthias, who replaced Judas Iscariot as one of Jesus’ apostles
WHAT A GEM!–1000–This organic gem is a soft, dark brown to black piece of fossilized wood
GEMS–100–Examples of this July birthstone found in Sri Lanka are typically a pale shade of red
GEMS–200–The best tiger’s-eye comes from Griqualand West in this country also known for its diamonds
South Africa
GEMS–300–This violet quartz gem was one of the most precious until large deposits were found in South America
GEMS–400–When this kind of opal is red, it’s also known as cherry opal
Fire Opal
GEMS–500–Because of its resemblance to another golden gem, citrine is nicknamed “false” this
GEMS–100–The name of this gemstone came from the Greek “Smaragdos”, which probably meant any green stone
the emerald
GEMS–200–The 787-carat Great Mogul Diamond was the largest found in this country
GEMS–300–Many of the red stones are classified as the “fire” variety of this fiery gem come from Mexico
GEMS–400–Rubies are a form of this stone, the hardest in the world after diamond
GEMS–500–According to Britannica, this August birthstone is also called precious olivine
GEMS & JEWELS–100–The largest of these red gemstones ever discovered was a 400-carat one found in Burma
a ruby
GEMS & JEWELS–200–Like South Africa’s, Namibia’s economy is based in part on exports of gem-quality ones of these
GEMS & JEWELS–300–Iron & titanium give this corundum gem its rich translucent blue color
GEMS & JEWELS–400–Malachite & peridot are gems of this color
GEMS & JEWELS–500–Chinese scholar Hsu Shen attributed human virtues to this gem
GEM LORE–0–In Greek myth this gem was “created” by tears of wine from Dionysus that stained the quartz statue of a maiden
the amethyst
ROCKS & MINERALS–200–Marbles made of this mineral are popularly called aggies
ROCKS & MINERALS–400–Produced when seawater evaporates, halite is a rock composed of this substance
ROCKS & MINERALS–600–Some of the oldest-known mines for this decorative blue-green stone are in the Sinai Desert
ROCKS & MINERALS–800–The name of this soft black mineral is from the Greek for “to write”
ROCKS & MINERALS–1000–True alabaster is a variety of this mineral used for making plaster of Paris
gypsum (calcium sulfate)
ROCKS & MINERALS–200–This class of rocks is formed from deposits on lake beds & sea floors
ROCKS & MINERALS–400–Any old salt can tell you epsomite is this color
ROCKS & MINERALS–600–To identify a meteorite, Peterson’s guide says to look for iron & this metal
ROCKS & MINERALS–800–The fossils in this type of rock may remain even after it’s changed into marble
ROCKS & MINERALS–1000–Shale changes into this rock metamorphically & also by changing 2 letters