Jeopardy game Flashcards
Removing accumulated fluid from the abdominal cavity is easiest with this suction tip
Poole Suction Tip
Prolonged absorbable monofilament suture has many uses including closure of enterotomies, cystotomies, and many other otomies
PolyDioxanone- PDS
(lasts 6 months- good for body wall, overkill for bladder)
Type of tissue forcep should never be used on tissue that is meant to be preserved
Allis Tissue Forceps
Group of surgical scrub has a broad spectrum activity bust is deactivated in the presence of organic material
Iodophors (last prep used)
Surgical scrub has residual activity lasting hours beyond the actual contact time
Hand held retractor can be used to retract large muscle bellies during orthopedic procedure or one side of an abdominal wall
Army-Navy Retractor
Antiseptic skin prep has a broad spectrum of activity but should never be applied to open skin or mucosa
Isopropyl Alcohol
Needle driver that can also cut suture
Olsen Hager Needle Driver
Cutting suture with this scissor is a HUGE NO-NO
Metzenbaum Scissor
Hemostat that has multiple uses, including occlusion of small vessels and securing stay sutures
mosquito hemostats
B/c of rapid loss in tensile strength, this suture type should not be used to close slower healing tissues
Polyglycolic acid (PGA) or polyglactin 910
Monofilament, non-absorbable suture is commonly used to place skin sutures
Self-retaining retractor is used to keep the abdominal wall open during a laparotomy =
Balfour Retractor
Concentration of chlorhexidine solution is appropriate for preputial flushes and cleaning open wounds
Commonly used by novice surgeons as instruments but should be kept out of the surgical field if at all possible
hands (source of contamination)
Refers to a sutures ability to resist deformation or breakage
tensile strength
Retractor that is great for retracting the biceps femoris and vastus lateralis but watch out to not puncture the sciatic nerve
Gelpi retractor
Self-inflicted injuries can occur when using this instrument to drive steinman pins
Jacob’s chuck
Small, specialized tissue forceps used for ophthalmic surgery
Bishop-Harmon Tissue Forceps
Retractor for heart/thoracic procedure
Finochietto (=rib retractor with crank)
“Jekyll and Hype” retractor has a blunt and a forked end for increasing its utility
Senn Retractor
2 suture properties are ideal for use in infected tissues
absorbable and monofilament
Suture rarely used due to the severe inflammatory reaction it can cause
Cat gut
Antibiotic added to a suture coating to help prevent bacterial growth in the surgical wound