Jeopardy - Exam 3 - Board 1 Flashcards
These can persist for days, weeks, or years
Long-term memories
H.M. underwent this surgery to treat severe seizures
Bilateral hippocampi removal
This field studies patterns of disease prevalence
The Genain quadruplets are famous because
They are monozygotic quadruplets all diagnosed with Sz
This brain region is activated when viewing someone as “human”
Ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC)
These are stored for a very brief period of time
Iconic memories
H.M. demonstrated this when he couldn’t recall events occurring after his surgery
Anterograde amnesia
The lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorders in the U.S. is nearly
Monozygotic twins show a higher rate of ____ for Sz than dizygotic twins
These brain regions show increased activation to in-group than out-group faces
Fusiform face area (FFA) and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)
This stores information currently attended to
Short-term memory
Improved performance on the mirror-drawing task indicated that H.M. could form
New non-declarative memories
These behaviors fall outside of societal norms
Deviant behaviors
Risk of schizophrenia is greatest among individuals living in these regions
Big cities
Activation of this brain area may reflect a general sense of familiarity for members of one’s own racial group
Posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)
The digit-span task assesses this form of memory
H.M.’s performance on digit-span memory tasks indicated
Intact short-term/working memory
This perspective integrates biological, psychological, and sociocultural information to understand psychopathology
Biopsychosocial model
Babies born in the Spring may be more likely to be diagnosed with Sz because they are at an increased for
Prenatal exposure to the flu
Activation of this brain area was positively correlated with IAT scores
Better recall for items at the beginning of a list, which is associated with
Primacy effect; long-term memory
H.M.’s post-surgery memory capabilities challenged this perspective that intact brain areas will compensate for memory functions of damaged areas
For diagnosis with a psychopathology, an individual’s behavior must meet at least one of these three criteria
Behavior must be deviant, maladaptive, and/or distressing to the individual
The cause of Sz is probably best understood using this complex, multilevel, and multidirectional perspective
We see evidence of neural categorization of race as early as
100 ms (N100 - greater to out-group members)