thesis statement:
stevenson is exploring the readers interest in violence crime and sin from a Christian perspective
subverts the Christian perspective for those like stevenson who rejected christianity
“damned _________”
“damned Juggernaut”
damned: Christian imagery of hell
juggernaut: hindu
- british demonising other religions
- othering: the fear of the other, the different
“________ calmly ____ the ______ ____”
“trampled calmly over the child’s body”
- oxymoron
- trampling: is enfields exaggeration
- theres nothing wrong with hyde he just dosen’t care for others
- dosen’t deliberately hurt her
“sat__” and “we ______ ___ __ to a _______ pounds”
“satan” and “we screwed him up to a hundred pounds”
- blackmail hyde: they are the ones committing a crime
- they are evil, they act on evil intentions they can get away with
- hyde enters a society which is already more evil than him
“capers __ ___ _____”
“capers of his youth”
- caper is an underplayment
- euphemism
- shows that this society covers up sin
jekyll’s handsome “_____” and the “______” back to the house
jekyll’s handsome “front” and the “sordid” back to the house
- comingled out of good and evil
- Christian: we’re all born evil with original sin
we “are __________ out of ____ ___ ____”
we “are commingled out of good and evil”
- anti Christian message
- Christian idea of getting rid of sin
sir danvers carew was mrudered by the hgouses of parliament
nowhere is safe
duality again
“she ____ to ___, with _________ _____, when she ________”
“she used to say, with streaming tears, when she narrated”
- symbolises the evil nature of the readers of the novella
- maid symbolises the evil readers
- evil is part of all of us, but does that ruin society? or should we accept
“ape-____ ____”
“ape-like fury”
- evolution is evil
- challenges Christianity
- survival of the fittest, we might all turn into Hyde if he succeeds
“my _____ came ___ _______”
“my devil came out roaring”
- lies about why hyde kills carew
- he never mentions why
- hyde “mauled the body”
- hyde acts on jekylls behalf
- hyde does what jekyll wants to do
- jekyll is an unreliable narrator
- stevenson gives the idea of original sin: christian perspective
“scientific ________”
“scientific heresies”
- dr lanyon dies randomly
- heresies: Christian word for false beliefs that are anti God
- decides he would rather die to escape the unChristian world
christian ending to the novel:
jekyll and hyde die
silence of “_______” utterson
“Gabriel utterson”
- utterson hides the information from jekyll he wants to inherit so he hides jekyll and hyde
- he wants to inherit the will: evil insife of us
- undermining the Christian message by ironically calling him Gabriel
the book criticised civilised morality as false because its Christian
saying it’s a facade people put on
its damaging
hyde is only created because society wont let jekyll do what he needs to do
jekyll proves how we need to watch over our sinful desires
add in the idea that jekyll’s house is the john hunter house: surgeon, disected bodeis working out cures to save lives: however he robbed graves so the bad side
what we now see as a sin we might later see as evil
utterson covres it up to get the will HE”S EVIL
swears poole to secrecy not supposed to tell anyoneee about the wihll or lanyons letter
utterson is corruption of middle class men at the time