jekyll and hyde quotes Flashcards
cain quote
“I incline to Cain’s heresy,”
“I let my brother go to the devil in his own way” Juxtaposition because why would he do that?
Implies Cain let Abel go to the devil. Foreshadows the text as he lets Jekyll go to the devil. Only gets involved when he HAS to
how jekyll feels in hydes body quote
“I felt younger, lighter, happier in body”
we never let our bad thoughts become our actions, but Jekyll does.
Hyde symbolises sin and negativity, yet Jekyll felt happier as him. It’s as if evil is enticing him. He’s a slave to his desires, but, just like every good thing, what comes up must go down.
younger - Hyde being underdeveloped or the freshness of a new life
lighter - suggests Hyde’s size or alternatively his conscience - no weight of reputation
hyde pure evil quote
“Edward Hyde alone in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil.”
If we do not control our duality, on both extremes, we will become broken, lost, shattered people. Hyde is a slave to evilness. Jekyll becomes a slave to his evilness through Hyde.
adjective “alone” emphasise how unique and isolated Hyde was. could alternatively create some sympathy for him for being alone - he didn’t ask to be created.
“pure evil” compares him to the devil
bench quote
“I sat in the sun on a bench; the animal within me licking the chops of memory; the spiritual side a little drowsed”
spiritual side - religion is going. evil is coming
positive pathetic fallacy, contrasted with the evil desires.
even though he knew it was bad, he couldn’t help himself. it was human nature.
higher consciousness vs primal animal within
chief quote
“If i am the chief of sinners, I am the chief of sufferers also”
Don’t try to be God.
In the pursuit of happiness, he suffers.
fury quote
and bones quote
“ape-like fury”
“bones were audibly shattered”
No human being is capable of this.
This is the work of an animal.
Jekyll has essentially “de-volved”
trampled calmly quote
“the man trampled calmly over the child’s body”
oxymoron - trampling over a little girl, an innocent one.
not an enemy, just shows how brutal it is.
trampled - like a careless child, sole aim of destroying them.
jekyll swear quote
“I swear to God I will never set eyes on him again”
strange because he’s a scientist, and he’s talking about God.
duality quote
“man is not truly one, but truly two”
“truly” emphasises how sure of himself he is
“two” refers to Jekyll and Hyde
could be Stevenson suggesting that there isn’t as much a difference between uncivilised citizens and gentlemen than the they would have liked to believe.
dwarf quote hyde
“pale and dwarfish”
pale - lack of life, horrific connotations of vampires, no sunlight (could ref to how jekyll is hiding him away)
dwarfism - he is lower physically and socially - he is less evolved and underdeveloped.
rid of hyde quote
“The moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr Hyde”
Jekyll still believes he is in control
Foreshadows later on in the play that he loses control
shows arrogance of a victorian man
jekylls appearance quote
“large, well-made, smooth-faced”
contrast to “pale and dwarfish”
he seems almost too perfect. should be wary of him.
bit ironic as jekyll made hyde and hyde is so bad
quote of wine from jekyll
“He delighted me like wine”
delighted - excitement and pleasure
wine - alcohol, takes away control
like how hyde took away his control but it was his guilty pleasure
what does landon think of jekyll
“regard as dead”
lanyon contrast quote
“the rosy man had gone pale”
lanyon fear quote
“i have had a shock”
“and i shall never recover”
It’s like a disease
Foreshadows irreversible events g
Hyde devil quote
Satan’s signature upon a face
March quote
“wild, cold, seasonable night of March, with a pale moon lying on her back”
Harsh and untamed environment, sense of foreboding and unpredictability
March indicates transform from winter to spring, a time of change and transformation which links to themes of duality
Pale moon personification
Moon symbolises often mystery, madness and the unconscious mind. The fact it’s pale at a ghost appearance evokes a sense of unreality and ambiguity, which hints at the hidden depths underneath the surface of the narrative
Wild and cold foreshadows Hyde’s wild actions
“Lying on her back” reflects jekylls vulnerability as even celestial bodies have moments of weakness, Jekyll struggles with his inner demons
Door quote
“The door, which was equipped with neither bell nor knocker, was blistered and distained”
Everything about Hyde is corrupted. Even the door he uses is bad. Evil inside someone can be seen through their physical appearance and house. Villains typically live in large, dark gloomy buildings (gothic convention)
He is isolated
Neglected and decayed - deteriorating state of the owner. Foreshadows Jekyll deteriorating
Jekyll’s house serves as a metaphor for his fractured psyche which
Distained - like how Jekyll has tainted himself.
In a society where you had to conceal inner desires, the door acts as a metaphor for moral decay that lies beneath the surface of respectability
Window quote
“Windows was half-way open”
Window: metaphorical threshold between public amd private. Sense of vulnerability and tension
Half way open: sense of ambiguity or indecision. It’s neither open or closed. Reflects Jekyll’s internal conflict of maintaining control over his desire for liberation that Hyde represents. It shows Jekyll’s moral conscience
Shows consequences of denying our true identity in a world of societal constraints
Freud’s theory
The id, ego, and superego
Id: instincts. Pleasure, hunger, desires - Edward Hyde
Ego: rational and conscious. Mediates the id’s desires
Superego: internalised moral standards and values instilled by society, authority figures etc. Made to stop id’s desired to uphold society norms
utterson auote about the same
“lover of the sane and customary”