Jekyll And Hyde Flashcards
Dr Lanyon quote about how he looked in health
“Hearty, healthy, dapper, red-faced gentlemen”
Dr Lanyon quote about how he acts
“Somewhat theatrical”
Dr Lanyon quote about his ignorance
“Ignorant, blatant pedant”
Dr Lanyon quote about how he looks in sickness
“Grown pale;his flesh had fallen away”
Dr Lanyon quote about Jekyll
“Whom I regard as dead”
Dr Lanyon quote about his soul
“My soul sickened”
Utterson quote about his smile
“Never lighted by a smile”
Utterson quote about his self control
“He was austere with himself”
Utterson quote about seriousness
“This may be serious” 🧐
Sir Carew quote about his age
“Aged and beautiful”
Sir Carew quote about innocence
“Innocent and old world kindness”
Sir Carew quote about his hair
“With white hair”
Sir Carew quote about his manner
“Very pretty manner”
Dr Jekyll quote by Lanyon
“Became too fanciful for me”
Dr Jekyll quote about his appearance in health
“Well made, smooth faced man of fifty… with every mark of capacity and kindness”
Dr Jekyll quote about blackness
“Grew pale to the very lips and there came a blackness about his eyes”
Dr Jekyll quote about his sickness
“Looking deadly sick”
Dr Jekyll quote about Hyde’s evil 😈
“Undo the evil done by Hyde”
Dr Jekyll quote about confinement
“The doctor was confined to the house”
Dr Jekyll quote about punishment
“I have brought on myself a punishment and a danger”
Dr Jekyll quote about prisoners
“Disconsolate prisoner”
Dr Jekyll quote about his future
“Every guarantee of an honourable and distinguished future”
Dr Jekyll quote about his pleasures
“I have concealed my pleasures”
Hyde quote about his description
“He is not easy to describe. There is something wrong with his appearance”
Hyde quote about his laugh 😂
“Snarled aloud into a savage laugh”
Hyde quote about his timidity
“Murderous mixture of timidity and boldness”
Hyde quote about his fury
“Ape-like fury”
Hyde quote about trampling
“Trampling his victim”
Hyde quote about his cruelty
“Insensate cruelty”
Hyde quote about his screech
“A dismal screech as of mere animal terror”
Hyde quote about his influence
“The dark influence of Hyde”
Hyde quote about his strength
“Great muscular activity”
Hyde quote about his development
“Less robust and less developed”
Hyde quote about his youth
“Smaller, slighter and younger”
Hyde quote about him as a curiosity
“Disgustfull curiosity”
Hyde quote about his guilt
“It was Hyde, after all, and Hyde alone, that was guilty”
Hyde quote about him as a devil
“My devil had been long caged; he came out roaring” 😈
Hyde quote about mauling
“With a transport of glee, I mauled the unresisting body, tasting delight from every blow”
Hyde quote about being hunted
“Hunted, houseless, a known murderer, thrall to the gallows”
Hyde quote about his fear 😰
“I feared for my life”
Hyde quote about his evilness 😈
“Pure evil”
Hyde quote about hell
“The child of hell has nothing human”
Transformation quote about eyes
“Staring with injected eyes”
Transformation quote about mouth
“Gasping with an open mouth”
Transformation quote about groping
“Groping before him”
Transformation quote about the pain
“The most racking pangs”
Transformation quote about nausea
“Deadly nausea”
Transformation quote about birth
“Agonies of death and birth”
Good 😇 and Evil 😈 quote about hellishness
“It was hellish to see” (trampling girl)
Good 😇 and Evil 😈 quote about snarling
“Snarled aloud into a savage laugh”
Good 😇 and Evil 😈 quote about satan
“Satans signature apon a face”
Good 😇 and Evil 😈 quote about the evil side
“The evil side of my nature”
Good 😇 and Evil 😈 quote about the war
“The perennial war among my members”
Good 😇 and Evil 😈 quote about new power
“New power tempted me until I fell in slavery” (taking potion)
Good 😇 and Evil 😈 quote about sinners
“Chief of sinners…chief of sufferers”
Good 😇 and Evil 😈 quote about the devil
“My devil had been long caged; he came out roaring”
Good 😇 and Evil 😈 quote about goodness
“He did good”
Good 😇 and Evil 😈 quote about monsters
“Turn towards the monstrous”
Duality 💞 quote about life’s duality
“A profound duplicity of life”
Duality 💞 quote about dual nature
“Compound man’s dual nature”
Duality 💞 quote about truly
“Man is not truly one but truly two”
Duality 💞 quote about the womb
“In the agonised womb of consciousness these polar twins should be continuously struggling”
Duality 💞 quote about being divided
“Imperfect and divided”
Duality 💞 quote about possibilities
“Possibilities of my double existence”
Duality 💞 quote about ecstasy
“The same divided ecstasy of mind”
Duality 💞 quote about curse
“I was still cursed with my duality if purpose” (after murder)
Duality 💞 quote about powers
“The powers of Hyde seemed to have grown with the sickliness of Jekyll”
Duality 💞 quote about death 💀
“Co-heir with him to the death”
Mystery 🕵️♀️ quote about buildings
“Sinister block of building”
Mystery 🕵️♀️ quote about disappearance
“Disappearance or unexplained absence”
Mystery 🕵️♀️ quote about the figure
“The figure had no face by which he might know it”
Mystery 🕵️♀️ quote about Jekylls position
“My position is a very strange one”
Mystery 🕵️♀️ quote about a voice
“A voice answered from within”
Mystery 🕵️♀️ quote about being lost
“If you fail me to-night I am lost”
Mystery 🕵️♀️ quote about greed
“Has the greed of curiosity too much command of you”
Mystery 🕵️♀️ quote about the fog
“Chocolate-coloured pall”
Mystery 🕵️♀️ quote about the sky
“Premature twilight”
Victorian gentlemen/reputation 🎩 quote about avoiding a scene
“No gentleman but wishes to avoid a scene”
Victorian gentlemen/reputation 🎩 quote about reputable
“All intelligent reputable men”
Victorian gentlemen/reputation 🎩 quote about being alone
“Despised and friendless”
Victorian gentlemen/reputation 🎩 quote about henchmen
“Men have before hired bravos to transact their crimes”
Victorian gentlemen/reputation 🎩 quote about Jekyll’s future
“Every guarantee of an honourable and distinguished future”
Victorian gentlemen/reputation 🎩 quote about pleasures
“I concealed my pleasures”
Victorian gentlemen/reputation 🎩 quote about vileness
“His vile life”
Science 🧪 quote about balderdash
“Unscientific balderdash”
Science 🧪 quote about Jekyll’s interest
“I do sincerely take a great…interest in that young man”
Science 🧪 quote about chemical
“Rather chemical than anatomical”
Science 🧪 quote about the drug
“This drug is wanted bitter bad”
Science 🧪 quote about contorting
“Contorted and still twitching”
Science 🧪 quote about the potions colours
“First of a reddish hue…brightens in colour…dark purple…watery green”
Science 🧪 quote about the transformation
Science 🧪 quote about Jekyll as a father
“Jekyll had more than fathers interest”
Science 🧪 quote about Jekyll’s studies
“The direction of my scientific studies which led wholly towards the mystical and transcendental”
Religion ⛪️ quote about a church
“Empty as a church”
Religion ⛪️ quote about Gods name
“Cry out upon the name of God”
Religion ⛪️ quote about suicide
Religion ⛪️ quote about the bible
“Copy of pious work…annotated…with startling blasphemy’s”
Religion ⛪️ quote about curiosity
“Greed of curiosity”
Religion ⛪️ quote about unbelief
“The unbelief of satan”
Religion ⛪️ quote about original evil
“Sold a slave to my original evil”
Religion ⛪️ quote about the sprit
“The spirit of hell awoke in me”
Religion ⛪️ quote about temptation
“Fell before the assaults of temptation”
Supernatural ☠️ quote about dead hour
“At that dead hour, he must rise and do its bidding”