Jekyll abs Hyde Search for Mr. Hyde - Chapter 2 Flashcards
“a clouded brow”
Mr Utterson’s confused mind. Links in with later pathetic fallacy of fog.
“his hand to his brow like a man in mental perplexity”
Mr Utterson’s curious nature kicks in. Links in with “brow” representing the mind.
“a lover of the sane and customary sides of life”
Reference to the Victorian gentleman society and its attitudes.
“the fanciful was the immodest”
A respectable Victorian gentleman was conservative and concealed his pleasures.
“Dr Lanyon sat alone over his wine.”
Dr Lanyon indulges in his pleasures in the privacy of his home as this is respectable.
“This was a hearty, healthy, dapper red-faced gentleman”
Description of Dr Lanyon’s appearance. Contrasts later on after witnessing Hyde transform into Jekyll.
“a boisterous and decided manner”
Dr Lanyon is a cheerful, lively and affectionate character.
“Henry Jekyll became too fanciful for me. He began to go wrong, wrong in mind…”
Dr Lanyon disapproves of Jekyll’s research into transcendental medicine * science.
“unscientific balderdash”
Dr Lanyon is overscrupulous and calls Jekyll’s science to be nonsense.
“I have seen devilish little of the man.”
Dr Lanyon and Jekyll can’t put their scientific differences aside and do not see each other anymore. “Devilish” and “little” perhaps reflect Hyde.
“great field of lamps of a nocturnal city”
Setting of London at night - Gothic language.
“Mr Hyde shrank back with a hissing intake of the breath…”
Mr Utterson’s first encounter with Hyde. “Hissing” symbolises a snake which could represent the devil.
“a flush of anger”
Hyde cannot control his emotions.
“this is not fitting language”
Mr Utterson disapproves of Hyde’s language. Reference to Victorian etiquette and formal manner.
“snarled aloud into a savage laugh”
Hyde has no regard or understanding of polite conversation - his behaviour is barbaric.
“The lawyer stood while when Mr Hyde had left him, the picture of disquietude…”
Mr Utterson’s reaction to Hyde is of unease and anxiety showing a Victorian gentleman is not faced with this type of conduct.
“Mr Hyde was pale and dwarfish, he gave an impression of deformity without any nameable malformation, he had a displeasing smile…”
Mr Utterson’s description of Hyde - echoes previous description by Enfield. Hyde’s appearance bears a mark into the soul.
“unknown disgust, loathing and fear”
Mr Utterson’s strong judgement about Hyde. Similarly to “loathing” of Enfield. Everyone reacts the same way.
“the man seems hardly human… Something troglodytic…”
Hyde is compared to a thing of degraded, primitive, or brutal character. He is sub-human.
“a square of ancient, handsome houses”
First description of Jekyll’s street which represents Jekyll (similarly to rear door representing Hyde).
“the pleasantest room in London”
Description of Jekyll’s room. Irony and justaposition as Jekyll’s room is a facade for the true sinful and ungodly experiments.
“shudder in his blood”
Mr Utterson reflects upon meeting Hyde. Even the thought of him makes you terrified.
“he felt… a nausea and distaste of life”
Hyde makes you question the purpose of life. Links with later on when Lanyon talks about his life after witnessing Hyde’s transformation.
“but in the law of God there is no statue of limitations”
Mr Utterson uses a legal term that there is no legal restriction when it comes to God’s ways - even if ungodly.