Jefferson Era Study Set Flashcards
With whom did Jefferson tie in the election of 1800 and how was the tie eventually broken?
Aaron Burr and it was broken from one of the federalists who voted for Jefferson since no one wanted to see another tie between the President and Vice President.
Which political party did Jefferson belong to?
The political party that Jefferson belonged to was the Democratic-Republican
3 Reasons the Louisiana Purchase was important?
Doubled the size of the United States, Opened new lands for farming and fur trapping, U.S. gained control of the entire Mississippi River and the Port of New Orleans
What caused Jefferson to hesitate when purchasing the Louisiana Territory?
He couldn’t because he knew that the constitution did not grant him the right to buy land from foreign powers because he was the president.
Who did Jefferson purchase the Louisiana Territory from?
He had bought the Territory from Napoleon.
Where did Zebulon Pike explore?
Zebulon had explored New Mexico, and he and his men left Missouri and traveled through the states of Kansas and Nebraska before reaching Colorado.
Where did Zebulon Pike explore?
Zebulon had explored New Mexico, and he and his men left Missouri and traveled through the states of Kansas and Nebraska before reaching Colorado.
What were Lewis and Clark sent to do?
Both Captains were sent to go find a Northwest passage through the Rocky Mountains.
What tribe did Sacagawea belong to?
She belonged to the Hidatsa tribe.
Which Federalist policy did Jefferson keep?
He only kept reduced taxes, government spending, and the national debt, and repealed the Alien and Sedition Acts.
Which country declared war to begin The Barbary War?
Tripoli (Tripoli, Northern Africa) declared war to the US.
What were some of the causes of the War of 1812?
Some of the causes of the War of 1812 were; that the British order in council had limited American trade with Europe, Another cause was disagreements over trade, western expansion, and Native American policy.
Who fought and won the Battle of New Orleans?
Andrew Jackson had fought in New Orleans and also had won the war.
What 3 treaties came about as a result of the War of 1812 and what did they state?
The three treaties were the Peace, amty, and the Ghent treaty; they stated that the end of the war between the United States and Great Britain.
The Hartford Convention caused the downfall of which political party?
The Federalist party.
Embargo Act
By the us congress, closed the us ports to all exports and restricted imports to Britain.
Chesapeake Leopard Affair
The British attacked a us navy ship. The incident greatly humiliated the United States, directly led to the Embargo Act of 1807, and eventually was a major cause of the War of 1812
Treaty of Ghent(Formally called the treaty of peace and amty
Britain agreed to give up claims to the Northwest territory and bothe countries pledge to work towards ending slave trade.