Jefferson Burr Clinton Flashcards
What alcoholic brand introduced lemon tangerine and watermelon flavors in March 2020
White claw
In MR Ed how did they make him move his mouth to simulate talking
With PB
Famous writers such as dickens Chaucer Kipling Alfred lord tenuhson have what in common
Burried at poets corner at Westminster abbey church
LA second Olympics
Corey Feldman
Josh bro Lin
Sean Aston all starred in ehat 85 movie
Corey Feldman
Josh bro Lin
Sean Aston all starred in ehat 85 movie
The Goonies
In 2022 what children’s song became the first YouTube video to surpass 10
Baby shark
Friends for years Helen Keller. Could identify what famous author from his tobacco scent
Mark Twain
Who was the US president when South Carolina became the first state to secede
In 2022 Jamaica qualified for the four man version of what winter…
Stop n grow is a distasteful product designed to help people quit what habit
Nail biting
For his wife who was a Pisces Oscar kambly created what cracker
The international astronomical Union officially recognizes 88 what
What US Supreme Court justice announced his retirement in 2002
Sorry we’re closed is the last line of what classic sitcom
What mountain appears on toblerone wrappers
The Matterhorn
Deathstalker is an aptly named species of what arachnid
A historic region senegambia is located on what continent
Sen uh Gambia
Loudes Leon (lord s) is the oldest daughter of what…
Who painted the old guitarist during his blue …
What futuristic cartoon dad was born in 2022
George jetson
What popular matel card game has an all wild edition
20th century leaders
In a September 3 1939 speech he said everything that I have worked for has crashed into ruins
Neville Chamberlain
Policy of appeasement with nazi Germany has failed miserably with German invading Poland
To some what department store is jokingly named needless markup
Neiman Marcus
Eight children running out from mother gingers hoopskirt occurs in act 2 of what ballet
The nutcracker
Headquarterd in Lyon France what is the largest worldwide….
In a 1948 polio ward Eleanor Abbott invented what hasbro board game
Candy land
Jack Daniel uses a fedora logo on its bottles of whiskey to honor him
Frank Sinatra
Author tribonds
Other voices other rooms
The glass harp
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Truman capote
When he was 19 years old gavrilo princip assassinated who
Prince ip
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
(Of Austria)