JEDI Healthcare Flashcards
What does JEDI stand for?
Justice, equality, diversity, inclusivity
Define justice
concept that individuals are to be treated in an equitable and fair manner
Define equity
everyone is provided specific resources they need to be successful
Define diversity
differences in various categories; age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, gender etc.
Define equality
everyone is treated the same exact way regardless of differences and specific needs
What are internal dimensions? Examples?
things you can’t change about yourself; age, race, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation
Define inclusion
universal human right; to embrace all people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other need
Define an ally. Related to health care?
-person who supports specific groups
-advocating for patients
Steps to embrace JEDI
-approach w/ cultural humility
-listen and respect, then reflect
-brave mistakes lead to progress
-focus on issue, not intent
-do research
Define implicit biases
unconscious and/or automatic mental associations made between members of social group
Define health equity
idea that everyone has the opportunity to achieve full health potential
What is a micro aggression?
small comments made without trying to be upfront offensive (ex. you’re fast for your age)
Examples of micro-affirmations
-mirror language that someone uses to describe themselves
-acknowledge important holidays/life milestones
-notice and encourage them to participate
-invite someone to speak and share expertise
-provide both positive feedback and constructive criticism
What is person-first language?
emphasizes person before disability (ex. i am a person w/ autism)
What is identity-first language?
puts disability first in the description (ex. i am autistic)
Define ableism
discrimination of and social prejudice against people w/ disabilities based on belief that typical abilities are superior