Jazz Pre-Inter 1 & 2 Flashcards
A long line
Rond de jambe
Round of the leg
Jazz glissade
Another word for drag step. A darting step outwards on demi-plie while dragging the free foot across the floor. An excellent linking step
Pas de bourree (on the spot)
Three steps finishing in an open position (back, side, open)
Pas de bourree (turning)
Three steps turning under making one full rotation (back, side, front)
Knee pop
Done in Jazz 1st and 2nd Jazz positions with the feet
Flex kick
A small developpe kick. Must come from the knee
A short slide on the ball of the foot across the floor in any direction. Is usally done on a straight supporting leg
Chaines/chaine turn
A chain of turns; two forward steps on straight legs making one rotation
A step forward or to the side into a demi-plie with the supporting leg and foot turned out; a jazz rock but turned out
Soutenu turn
To sustain while turning; rotate outside on both feet. Can be done in Jazz First or Classical Fifth
Pirouette (en dehors)
To turn; a rotation of the body outside while standing on one foot
To cut