JavaScript theory Flashcards
A set is an unordered collection of elements without duplicate entries.
what is javascript
This is what makes your site interactive and your website feel like an app
sets are used for
membership testing (if a specific element belongs to the set) and eliminating duplicate entries.
list comprehension
a way to create a new list with less syntax
object that can be iterated (repeated) or looped over.
what does alert keyword do
pop up to gives user a message
text string
string or message enclosed in quotes
is semicolon needed in js
In JavaScript, the use of semicolons at the end of statements is generally optional, but it is considered a best practice to include them.
what is a statement
instructions that are executed by the browser
what is a variable
a word that refers to a particular value
Variables takes on a particular value when you _______ the value to it
in alert if you have a number it is automatically converted to a string and displays it
Wherever you can use a number, you can use a _____ expression.
for n++ When the pluses come after the variable, its original value is assigned to the new variable __when____ the incrementing variable is incremented.
what can you use to eliminate ambiguity in math expressions
parentheses ( )