JavaScript Set 6 Flashcards
What is the filesystem module?
Allows you to work with the file system using node.js
What functions can the file system module perform?
- Read files
- Create files
- Update files
- Delete files
- Rename files
What is the URL module?
Splits up a web address into readable parts
What is the url.parse() method?
Returns a URL object with each part
q = url.parse(adr)
What is the Node.js Crypto module?
Contains OpenSSL and allows you to encrypt and decrypt data
How can you encrypt data with the crypto module?
- Create encryption cipher key with
var key = crypto.Cipher(encryption method, key); - Encrypt the data with the key
var cipherText = key.update(text, encoding method, return format); - Get any remaining encrypted data
cipherText += format)
How can you decrypt data with the crypto module?
- Create decryption key with
var key = crypto.Decipher(encryption method, key); - Decrypt the data with the key
var plainText = key.update(input text, input encoding, output encoding); - Get any remaining decrypted data
plainText += encoding);
What does the dns module do?
Can convert URLs to IP addresses and vice-versa
How do you convert a URL to an IP using the DNS module?
dns.lookup(URL, callback function (err, addresses, family));
How do you convert an IP to a URL using the DNS module?
dns.reverse(IP, callback function (err, url));
What does the events module do?
Allows you to create, fire, and listen for your own events
How can you access event properties and methods?
By creating an EventEmitter object
var emitter = new events.EventEmitter();
How do you assign an event handler to an event?
eventEmitter.on(event name, handler function);
How do you fire an event?
eventEmitter.emit(event name);
What does the timer module do?
Contains functions that can execute code after a certain period of time