JavaScript Form Validation Flashcards
HTML form is used to collect user input. True or false?
What elements do you put inside the form element?
The Input element and Label element are the most common ones.
What is the label element for?
defines a label for several form elements.
Name all 9 types of the input element.
Text, password, submit, reset, button, checkbox, number, radio, range.
What is the default input type?
Text is a single-line text input field. True or false?
What does the password input type do?
It makes the user’s input in the form of circles or asterisks.
Is the submit input type a text-field?
No. It is a button.
What does the submit input type do?
It submits user’s input to form handler.
What does the reset input type do?
It resets the user’s input to default value.
With the radio input type, you can only click one option. T or F?
The radio input type will only work if all the names are the same but the ids are different. T or F?
Can the checkbox input type serve as a to do list?
Yes. It is possible.
The button input type is a button that can be used for any use. T or F?
What does the number input type do?
It lets the user to input a number.