JavaScript Basics Flashcards
What is JavaScript?
It’s a programming language that is used in the most versatile way: front-end and back-end.
What are the initials for JavaScript?
According to MDN, what is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages
Where does JavaScript fit in with front end web development?
Cake analogy
It’s the third layer of the cake.
What does JavaScript do that makes it different
from HTML and CSS?
JS is a scripting language that enables you to create
dynamically updating content,
control multimedia,
animate images,
and pretty much everything else.
What are some things you can create using JavaScript?
- Browser Popups
- Scrolling Effects
- Animation
- Immersive Experiences
- Games
What are some practical applications of JavaScript?
- Maps
- Gmail
- Google Tasks
- Emails
- Documents
- Calculations
What is the JavaScript console?
Within developer tools, you can enter and see how your JavaScript program performs. It’s like a JS editor, web based.
What is the shortcut to open JS console on Windows?
Use javascript console
How do you clear the JS console?
Press the grey circle with the diagonal line through it.
Can you preview JavaScript with the console?
Can you debug JavaScript with the console?
What’s the JavaScript console shortcut for mac computers?
Press Command + Option + J
What is syntax?
It’s a language.
It’s a programming language’s
commands, special words, and punctuation.
How do you run a previous command within the JS console?
Previous command up arrow by pressing up key
What does alert do?
alert opens a dialog
What happens if you refresh the page?
The JS console clears what’s printed on the page.
Can you clear the console by clicking?
Right click, choose clear console
What happens if you enter alert(); in the JS console?
It creates a popup with that’s missing content.
How do JavaScript statements typically end?
with a semi-colon
alert(“Hello, World!”);
What does console.log do?
Logs or prints the message in the JS console
What happens if you enter “Hello World” into the console.log?
It prints Hello World inside of the JS console, not on the page.
What does each word within document.write mean?
document refers to current web page
write writes text on web page
If you enter the following code snippet,
what does it do?
It prints a temporary headline onto the webpage.
How do you enter the next line of code,
without running the code?
Use shift + return to move to the next
line without running the code.
If you write a line of code, then press enter, what happens?
It runs the line of code.
Each line of code is a _____.
Do statements run in the order in which they appear?
Statements run one after the other, from top to bottom.
Each statement needs to complete before
proceeding to the next statement.
Can you add HTML markup to format text written in JS?
Heading tags, p tags, and other tags can be used within JS.
Do you lump your JavaScript code into other HTML or CSS files?
JavaScript files get their own documents
apart from HTML and CSS files.
What does JS do in FEWD?
Adds interactivity to a webpage
What role does HTML and CSS play?
HTML adds content web page.
CSS add style to a web page
Does every browser have a javascript engine?
Yes, all browsers have javascript engine.
What is a JavaScript engine?
A JavaScript engine is program built into the
browser that executes JS code.
What does it mean when it’s executing the program?
It’s reading the code and processing a segment of the program.
When a programming language reads and acts upon code it is called ___.
Running a program
Same as executing a program
When the browser executes this line of code, then a dialog window appears. Why is this helpful?
It communicates what behavior happens
in direct response to a line of code.
What extension is used to create JavaScript files?
Do you need to link JS files?
Yes, you link JS files to HTML, typically index.html
How do you initiate the script that connects
the JS file within the index page?
See image
What do images and scripts have in common?
src attribute
What do you put in the quotation marks?
The source of the JS is often the path to the file.
Where is the JS code snippet entered within HTML to connect it to the index.html file?
The JS script appears inside of the head tag within index.html file, below the CSS file.
Is it possible to add JS directly into HTML?
You use the
tags to surround the JS</p>
Can you have more than 1 JS file?
So long as they are different files you can have multiple JS files within an HTML document.
Where is the most common place for JS file to be placed?
Towards the bottom of the page, near the closing body tag.
Why would it be placed above the closing body instead of the head area?
By placing it near the bottom, it gives the
browser the opportunity to load HTML and
CSS before running any JavaScript on the page.
Do developers of all skill levels make mistakes?
No one is immune from making programming mistakes.
What are the most common mistakes?
Syntax errors relating to punctuation, spacing, or wording are the source of most mistakes.
Do browsers provide tools for debugging?
Yes, debugging is key to having programs run correctly.
When an error is found, it can tell you what line the error is on. How does this help with debugging?
You can go straight to the source of where the error is to troubleshoot effectively.
Is JS case sensitive language?
Yes, always use the letter-case required by Javascript.
What happens if you capitalize alert?
It could produce an error message because
alert should be all lowercase letters.
What’s wrong with the syntax of this alert?
It’s missing “ mark before Hello.
What’s wrong with the console.log with this syntax?
It’s missing a closing parenthesis ) before the ; semi-colon.
What’s wrong with this alert JS syntax?
A should be lowercase.
What’s wrong with this line of JS?
It’s a spelling error.
There should be a w for .write
Does the JS console show you all errors at once?
Errors are shown 1 by 1 to fix in numerical order.
Most of the time JS needs to work with information that _______.
Dynamic Info > not > Static Info
Is custom content for a user on SM dynamic or static?
Is a player’s score static or dynamic?
Is an online shopping cart static or dynamic.
eCommerce carts are dynamic.
What is a variable?
It is an area where information that changes or
varies, each time a program is run, is stored.
What is the importance of variables?
Variables store information so that later on it
can be used and manipulated.
Why is game score in a game a variable?
You can get points.
You can lose points.
You start at zero.
The game score changes dynamically.
Variables are like a box because
The contents of the box may change, but the box as a container remains the same regardless of the content.
What is the keyword used to start a variable?
var is the keyword that begins the variable syntax.
What does the keyword var stand for?
var stands for variable
Each variable has a ___.
Each variable has a name to identify it as a
container of dynamic information.
What role does the = sign play in the syntax of writing a variable?
The equal sign = assigns a value to a variable.
What is an assignment operator?
The assignment operator is the
equal sign since it assigns a value to a property.
How do you choose a variable name?
A variable name should directly define
what it relates to for maximum clarity and comprehension.
What is a string?
A string is a word or phrase
enclosed in single or double quotations
What happens when this JS snippet runs?
It prints the word message out because it’s in quotation marks.
When (message) is written out, what happens?
It writes the value of the variable message
as hello in the JS console.
What happens when you write the following
code in the JS console?
You are reassigning the value of the message by using the assignment operator = with a new string value in quotation marks.
Can you choose any name for a variable?
No, there are 20-30 keywords that cannot be used as a variable name as they’re set aside for because the ECMA Script 2015 has reserved these keywords for a future specification.
If your variable name has two words, what should you do?
Capitalize the first letter of the second word
Or Use an underscore between keywords
Can you put a number before a variable name?
Numbers should follow the text name of the variable
Should symbols go in the front or back of a variable name?
Symbols go in the front of the variable name.
Should you capitalize the second or third
part of a variable name?
Yes, capitalization is allowed in the
second or third word of a variable name.
S or Score what’s a more descriptive variable name?
Which is the better variable name playerScore or n1?
What’s a better variable name p or pricePerPound?
Why is score listed twice in this example?
Right of the equation becomes the value of score.
Score increases by multiples of 10.
Can you update a variable with another variable?
Yes, it’s quite common to update a variable with a variable.
What is an addition assignment operator?
Shorthand for adding to a variable.
How do you add score + bonus
points together in a game context?
You define both variables for score and bonus points.
Then you create a new variable that
adds both variables to calculate the final score.
What are the drawbacks of using the
var keyword to define variables?
They can be overwritten.
Overwritten can be difficult to catch.
JavaScript is evolving to improve.
What two keywords are sometimes used in
place of var within JavaScript?
What’s the format of all variables?
including var, let, const
[variable] [variable name] = [value]
What does const stand for
const stands for constant
This means it shouldn’t be overwritten at any point.
Can a const variable be reassigned another value?
const variables can only be assigned a value once
What does the error message mean?
“Identifier has already been declared”
It’s letting you know that the variable name has already been used by another variable; it can’t be reused or reassigned a value.
Iet is a variable that is similar to var because … ____
it’s dynamic enough to adjust to new
information (ie. like a game score)
How does let offer greater protection against duplication?
It prevents errors due to duplication
by informing you of an error in the console.
With JavaScript do you have to be careful about spacing?
It’s more flexible than other programming languages in that you can add spaces, tabs, line breaks without breaking the code.
Should you include a space before and after an equal sign?
True or false.
Easier to read if there is a space before and after the equal sign
Should const daysInWeek = 7; have spaces?
No spaces between variable names.
What are number data types used for?
Calculations like adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing
Practical: Total score, total costs
How common are strings?
Super common
Use all throughout programming in different forms