Java SE 11: Expressions, Arrays, & Loops Flashcards
Select the possible values returned by a Boolean expression.
▢ 1
▢ 0
▢ true
▢ 2
▢ false
▢ no
▢ yes
☑ true
☑ false

C Less than or equal to
A Equal to
B Not equal to
D Greater than or equal to
Select the response which simplifies the following code.
boolean largeVenue;
if (attendees >= 5) {
largeVenue = true;
else {
largeVenue = false;
largeVenue = (attendees * true + 5);
largeVenue = (attendees *= 5);
largeVenue = (attendees >= 5);
largeVenue = attendees;
largeVenue = (attendees >= 5);
What is the output printed by the following code?
int hoursNeeded = 5;
int hoursAvailable = 5;
int hoursRemaining;
if (hoursAvailable > 0) {
hoursRemaining = hoursAvailable - hoursNeeded;
if(hoursRemaining < 0) {
System.out.println(“Not enough time.”);
} else {
String suffix = “”;
if(hoursRemaining != 1) {
suffix = “s”;
System.out.println(“You will have “ + hoursRemaining + “ hour” + suffix + “ remaining.”);
} else {
System.out.println(“Times up.”);
You will have 0 hours remaining.
You will have 5 hours remaining.
Not enough time.
Times up.
You will have 1 hour remaining.
You will have 0 hours remaining.
Which property or method is used to get the number of elements in an array?
Which of the following will initialize the names array to be three elements?
▢ String[] names = new[3];
▢ String[] names = new String[3];
▢ String[] names = String * 3;
▢ String[] names = { “Steve”, “Mary”, “William” };
▢ String[] names = (1, 2, 3);
▢ String names = new String(“3”);
▢ String[] names = new[3];
√ String[] names = new String[3];
▢ String[] names = String * 3;
√ String[] names = { “Steve”, “Mary”, “William” };
▢ String[] names = (1, 2, 3);
▢ String names = new String(“3”);
Select the answer which describes the output of the following code.
int[] ages = {2, 37, 48, 3, 5};
System.out.println(ages[2] + “ “ + ages[1]);
37 48
48 37
37 2
48 3
2 37
48 37
Given the following loop code, what is the name of the array being iterated over?
for(int age : ages) {
Given the following loop code, how many iterations will be performed?
String[] numbers = { “2”, “3”, “4”, “5” };
for(String number : numbers) {
What is the break keyword used for?
Skip to the end of an if/else block
Raise an exception from within a loop
Skip to the end of a for loop
Skip the current iteration of a loop an proceed to the next
Skip to the end of a for loop
What are the two possible values of a boolean expression?
A ______ ________ is a combination of variables, values and operators that evaluate to true or false.
boolean expression
The following are examples of what?
Relational Operators
An ____ is an indexed container that holds a set of values of a single type
Each item in an array is called an _______
Each element in an array is accessed by it’s _______ _______
numberical index
The index of the first element is __
0 (zero)
All elements in an array have to share the same _____
Provide example of int array with 3 indexes
Then assign values to that array
int [] ages = new int[3]
ages[0] = 39;
ages[1] = 42;
ages[2] = 97;
create a string array called names with the 3 values assigned.
int[] scores = { “adrian”, “chris”, “samantha” } ;
How would you access the number 27 within the following array?
int[] ages = {39, 27, 64}
How would you change the name of Mary to Bill in the following array?
String[] names = {“Steve”, “Bob”, “Mary”, “Will”}
names[2] = “Bill”;
Loops are used in programs to repeat _____ of statements until an expression is ____ or for specific number of times.
Loops are used in programs to repeat blocks** of statements until an expression is **false or for specific number of times.
In a for loop each iteration returns the ____ ______ of the array.
for (String name : names) {
System.out.println(“Name is “ + name);
In a for loop each iteration returns the next element of the array.
In the following for loop what happens during the break?
int passmark = 12;
boolean passed = false;
int[] scores = {4,6,2,8,12,35,9);
for (int unitScore : scores){
if (unitScore >= 12) {
passed = true;
System.out.println(“At least one passed? “ + passed);
The loop is stopped and it will go the end of the body of the loop and will print out “At least on passed? (score)”
Create a for loop that prints out each name in the string array so that each line appears as “Name is Bob”
String[] names = {“Steve”, “Mary”, “William”}
for (String name : names) {
System.out.println(“Name is “ + name)
What happens when continue is used in a loop?
The loop will perform an action, if you set one and then continue iterating over the loop.