Java Programming Flashcards
What does IDE stand for?
Integrated Development Environment
What file type is java source code stored in?
.java files
What happens during compiling?
.java file is compiled to produce a .class file. The .class file is then interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine
What is in a .class file?
a sort of generic machine language called Java Byte Code
What are the benefits of .class files?
very portable: anyone with a JVM can run it on any platform
secure: .class file is unreadable to humans
How do you run a java program you write on the command prompt?
javac <programName>.java -> compiles the code (to get the .class file)</programName>
java <programName> -> interprets the compiled code and runs your program</programName>
How do you write a string that must be broken up over multiple lines.
You cannot break a String literal over two or more lines. You must use the + operator
What are the primitive types?
integer types: int, long, short, byte
floating point types: double, float
others: char, boolean
When should you use and integer type other than int?
long should be used when you require numbers above 2 billion or below -2 billion. You must put an L at the end of a literal bigger than 2 billion
What type does 1.0 default to?
Double. To get a float, you must put an f at the end
What do you get from
‘a’ + true
‘a’ + 1
how do you store a number as a string?
you must put it in quotes for literals or cast it with Integer.toString(variableName) or ““+variableName
What does the static keyword do?
Makes it into a global variable that is accessible anywhere in the class
What are the formatting codes?
%d - print a decimal integer here
%6d - use at least 6 characters to do that
%f - print a floating point value here
%6f - use at least 6 characters to do that
%6.2 - with exactly 2 of them after the decimal point
%s - print a String here
%n - print a newline character
How do you get a string input from the console?
What about an int?
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
What are some escape characters?
\ - gives a backslash character
\n - gives a newline character
\t - gives a tab character
What are some String methods?