Java Flashcards
How do you find a character at a certain index?
[String].charAt(int index)
How do you find the length of a string?
How do you obtain a sub string?
[String].substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
How do you test if the string contains a character?
[String].contains(CharSqequence s)
How do you replace all occurrences of a character?
[String].replace(char old, char new)
how do you convert a String to lowercase?
How do you convert a String to uppercase?
How do you remove spaces from the beginning and end of a String?
How do you test if a String is empty>
How do you split a string?
[String].split(String regex, int limit)
How do you declare a new scanner for user input?
Scanner in = new Scanner(
How do you create a new scanner for a file?
Scanner in = new Scanner(File source)
How do you check if scanner can still read?
[Scanner].hasNext() or [Scanner].hasNextLine()
How do you grab next line from scanner?
How do you create a new File object?
File file = new File(“filename.txt”)
how do you declare array list?
ArrayList al = new ArrayList()
what are the three arraylist constructors?
ArrayList(Collection extends E> c)
ArrayList(int initalCapacity)