Jarah Corporate OCE Go Fish (Set 2) Flashcards
What is the meaning of Risk?
Act s.18
- Risk means the risk of injury or illness to a person arising out of a hazard.
- Risk is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood.
What is the legislative definition of a hazard?
Act s.19
A hazard is a thing or a situation with potential to cause injury or illness to a person.
What is the meaning of “Principal Hazard”?
Act s.20
A hazard at the mine with the potential to cause multiple fatalities.
Who is a “Supervisor”?
Act s.26
A coal mine worker authorised by the SSE to give direction to other coal mine workers in accordance with the SHMS.
What is the meaning of Industry Safety and Health Representative?
(Act s.27)
An Industry Safety and Health Representative is a person who is appointed under section 109(1) to represent coal mine workers on safety and health matters and who performs the functions and exercises the powers of an Industry Safety and Health Representative mentioned in part 8, division 2.
What is the meaning of Site Safety and Health Representative?
(Act s.28)
Is a coal mine worker elected under section 93 by coal mine workers at the coal mine to exercise the powers and perform the functions of a SSHR mentioned in part 7 division 2.
When is risk from coal mining operations at an acceptable level?
(Act s.29(1))
When the level of risk from operations
1. Is within acceptable limits; and
2. Is as low as reasonably achievable.
….Regard must be had to the likelihood and the severity of injury and illness.
How is an acceptable level of risk achieved?
Act s.30(2-3)
When there are systems in place to:
a) Identify, analyse, and assess risk.
b) Avoid or remove unacceptable level of risk.
c) Monitor levels of risk and the adverse consequences of retained residual risk.
d) Investigate and analyse the causes of serious accidents and HPI’s with the view to preventing a reoccurrence.
e) Review the effectiveness of risk control measure and take appropriate corrective and preventative action.
f) Mitigate the potential adverse effects arising from residual risk.
Also, the way an acceptable level of risk or illness may be achieved may be prescribed under a Regulation.
What should happen if the level of risk is unacceptable?
Act s.31(1)(2)
a) Persons must be evacuated to a safe location.
b) Action to be taken to reduce the risk to acceptable level.
….Action to reduce risk may include stopping the use of specified plant or substances.
Who have obligations for safety and health under the Act?
Act s.33(1-2)
Coal mine workers or other persons at a coal mine or persons who may affect the safety and health as a result of coal mining operations.
a) A holder of the mine.
b) Coal Mine Operator.
c) SSE.
d) Contractor.
e) Designer, manufacturer, importer and supplier of plant.
f) Erector or installer of plant.
g) Manufacturer, importer or supplier of substances for use at the mine.
h) A person who supplies a service at the mine.
Who must be included in the investigation of accidents or incidents for a surface mine?
(Reg s.15(2)(a))
- The OCE responsible for the excavation on duty at the time of the incident or accident.
- If not practical; another OCE responsible for the excavation.
What must the SSE give an Inspector notice about, in the approved form, following an incident at the mine within 1 month after it happens?
(Reg s.16)
- A person suffers an injury –
i. Of a severity that requires treatment by a doctor, or nurse, or a person qualified to give first aid
ii. Preventing the person from carrying out the persons normal duties at the mine. - A high potential incident not mentioned in paragraph (a).
List at least five (5) items the mine’s safety and health management system must provide for in managing emergencies.
(Reg s.35)
The system must provide for the following:
- Identifying by risk assessment, any potential emergency situation.
- Minimise risk associated with potential emergencies.
- Carry out aided escape and self-rescue in an emergency.
- Carry out emergency exercise, including testing the effectiveness of emergency management procedures and the readiness and fitness of equipment.
- Auditing and reviewing the emergency exercise.
- And include the OCE in the developing and testing of emergency procedures.
What are the requirements for the assessment of visitors to a mine with regard to their health?
(Reg s.36)
- Level of visitors fitness assessed in an appropriate way to decide if the visitor is adequate to self-escape.
- Regard to prevailing conditions.
- Provide correct fitting PPE.
What must the safety and health management system provide for regarding fire?
(Reg s.37(1)(2))
- Fire prevention and control.
- Effective fire fighting capabilities.
- Safety of people fighting fires.
- Risk assessment to identify potential fire hazards.
- Availability at the mine, at all time, of equipment that is appropriate and sufficient to extinguish any potential fire identified by risk assessment.
- The location of portable fire extinguishers on or near equipment and installations identified as potential fire hazards by risk assessment.
- The compatibility, throughout the mine, of all fire fighting equipment.
What must the SHMS provide for, in relation to first aid at the mine?
(Reg s.38 (2))
- The supply and placement of first aid supplies and equipment, including supplies and equipment required for emergencies, based on a risk assessment.
- Appropriate first aid training, including refresher training, emphasising the safety of the person giving first aid as well as the safety of the person receiving first aid.
- The availability of a sufficient number of persons competent in giving first aid.
What must the SHMS provide for, in relation to accidents involving electricity at the mine?
(Reg s.38 (3))
The mine must have a Standard Operating Procedure for the following—
- Releasing a person from an energised low and high voltage conductor.
- Resuscitating a person in an electrical environment.
- Managing a person’s flash burn injuries.
Where can alcohol be consumed at a mine site?
Reg s.39
A person must not consume alcohol at a coal mine, other than in an accommodation building or a recreation area designated by the SSE for the purpose.
List the four (4) things that a coal mine’s SHMS must provide for when controlling risks related to fitness for work.
(Reg s.41(1) and 42 (1))
- Excessive consumption of alcohol
- Personal fatigue.
- Other physical or psychological impairment
- The improper use of drugs.
List at least three (3) things that a coal mine’s Safety and Health Management System must provide, for controlling risks at the mine associated with the excessive consumption of alcohol?
(Reg s.41(2))
- An education program.
- An employee assistance program.
- Voluntary self-testing.
- Random testing before starting work.
- Testing the person if someone else reasonably suspects the person is under the influence of alcohol.