Japanese lessons N5(grammar) Flashcards
I and NA adjectives
In Japanese, there are two kinds of adjectives: い-adjectives and な-adjectives.
They are named for their last character when they attach to nouns.
How to turn an adj into negative form
What if you wanted to use an adjective in a negative sense (not new, not cute, not young, etc.)? You can conjugate them!
な-adjectives conjugate with the “suffix” じゃない.
な-adjectives conjugate with the “suffix” じゃない.
Take the adjective げんき(な)(it means energetic).To make it negative, you will drop the な and add じゃない.
You can then work with this adjective like normal (by placing it in front of a noun).
い-adjectives work in a slightly different way - instead of じゃない, they become negative using くない.
You will drop the final い when you add くない
There is only one irregular adjective in Japanese, and it is いい (good).
いい → よくない
Let’s tackle one more way of using adjectives.
ふるい → ふるくて
あおい → あおくて
すばらしい → すばらしくて
If you want to use two or more adjectives in succession (like a cute, famous, yellow cat), you will conjugate adjectives there too.
い-adjectives will drop the い like before, and add くて.
As mentioned before, いい will conjugate as if it were よい, becoming よくて.
You can also use negative adjectives - な or い - the same way.
Just remove the い at the end and add くて!
な-adjectives will conjugate by dropping the な and adding で.
かわいくて、ゆうめいで、きいろい ねこ
This is a cute, famous, yellow cat!