Japanese Grammar Flashcards
Plain form と思います・と言います
I think that…/say that…, __ thinks/says…
た ほうがいいです
ない ほうがいいです
You should/had better
You shouldn’t/had better not
Verb (plain form) ために
Noun の ために
In order to, for the sake of
Plain form or ますform ので (note that for plain form nouns and なadjectives, keep as なand do not change to だ)
Because…, same as から
first sentence ending in plain form し second sentence with も
…and what’s more,…
Present plain form と
All plain form 時(に)
Plain past form たら (this is more conditional, more if then when)
(てform) てみあす
Try to…
A は・のほうが B より Adjective です
A is more adjective than B
A は B と同じぐらい Adjective です
A is the same as B
A は B ほど Negative adjectiveです
A is not as adjective as B
A と B と・を くらべる と どちら・どっち のほうが Adjective です か
A と B と・では どちら・どっち のほうが Adjective です か
Which is more adjective, if comparing A with B
Although, used in the same way as でも and が
Plain form つもり です
Intend to…
Verb in Plain present form こと に します・きめます
I have decidedto…/I will…
Volitional form (plain)
Group 1: Change plain form う to お , add う
Group 2: Add よう to verb stem
Group 3: しよう、こよう
Verb in Plain present form こと に なります
It has been decided, it will be decided
Verb Stem + に 行きます
Go to do…
Person によると Sentence ending in plain form そう です。(when based on someone’s else’s judgement)
According to Person, it seems/apparently…
Verb stem そうです
Adjective (drop い or な)
(when based on your own judgement)
It looks/seems/sounds
Verb Stem ながら
note: can only be one person
Reason (plain form) ように Consequence
So that
い on the end changes to く
なchanges to に
Plain form ようになります
Finally reached the point where…
Group 1: change い sound to あ sound, add れます
Group 2: dropます, add られます
Group 3: します・されます
Passive Verbs (to be…by…)
Verb stem やすいです・にくいです
Easy to…, Difficult to…
Verb stem たがります
Eager to
A は B に verbてform ほしいです
Want person to do…
Plain formんです
note: な does not change to だ
Giving and asking for explanations
Verbてform + も
Adjective てform + も
Noun + でも
Noun negative + じゃなくても
Even if