January 14-20 Flashcards
(n, v) : dau khau, song ca.Ex : He had a chance to duet with that singer.
(v) that : prendre conscience queex : i acknowledge that i need to try my best to be able to step forward with my research carreer.
(n) : con tin ( otage )ex : Millitants say hostage Denis Alex is still alive and his fate is yet to be decided.Ex : to keep somebody as a hostage.
(n) : so phan
(n ) : dac congex : the commando had died of gunshot wounds.
(n) : cuoc dot kichex : to make a raid into the enemy’s camp
(a) : o nhuc, ho thenex : He is preparing to organise a disgraceful display.
They have to defend the capital from this onslaught and secure the country. ( cuoc tan cong du doi )
(v) : luong truoc, du kienex : The situation is working out in the way that he anticipated and it is evolving favorably
(v) : évoluer : tien trien → evolutionex : it is evolving favorably
keep in mind
garder à l’esprit : nen nho rangex : keep in mind it might take a little while for them to get there.
So as of right now
So as of right now, we are hearing that fighting in Diably has stopped.( nhu bay gio )
take into account
prendre en compte : duoc tinh denex : To build a healthy market of cultural products in general, and the particular comic market,classification of readers and evaluation of products are one of the important things to be taken intoaccount.
(n) : su chuoc loiex : it’s too late for redemption.
(n) : su tro matex : Amstrong’s reported admission is a sharp about-face after more than a decade …. ( dot ngot )