Jan 15 Flashcards
The 100 leeds
Northern superchargers
The 100 manchester
Manchester originals
The 100 edgbaston
Birmingham phoenix
The 100 cardiff
Welsh fire
The 100 oval
Oval invincibles
The 100 nham
Trent rockets
The 100 rose bowl
Southern braves
Canada 9 11 musical
Come from away
2023 the 100 men, womens
Oval invincibles
Southern braves
Stirling prize 2023
John morden centre, blackheath
President royal society
Adrian smith
Six people joined order of merit in 11/22
David adjaye
Floella benjamin
Elizabeth anionwu
Margaret macmillan
Paul nurse
Venki ramakrishnan
4th plinth new for 2024
Teresa margolles
4th plinth kambalu statue of john chilembwe
4th plinth dollop of ice cream
Heather phillipson
4th plinth lamassu
Michael rakowitz
4th plinth thumbs up
4th plinth riderless horse
Hans hacke
4th plinth giant rooster
Katharine frisch
Boy on rocking horse 4th plinth
Elmgreen dragset
4th plinth alison lapper pregnant
Marc quinn
4th plinth model for hotel
Thomas schutte
Nikola jokic plays for
Denver nuggets
Oklahoma city thunder points guard
Shai gilgeous alexander
Boston celtic power forward
Jayson tatum
Lord reith was mp for which city
Bbc dg since 2020
Tim davie
Bbc dg 2013 to 2020
Tony hall
Bbc dg 2004 to 2012
Mark thompsob
2nd bbc dg
Frederick ogilvie
Bbc dg 2000 to 2004
Greg dyke
Bbc dg 1992 to 2000
John birt
Bbc dg 1987 to 92
Michael checkland
Bbc dg 82 to 87
Alasdair milne
1976 foucault wirk on sex
History of sexuality
1975 foucault work on penal
Discipline and punish
1961 first foucault work
History of madness
Painting analysed in foucaults the order of things
Las meninas
Female bulgarian philosopher, powers of horror
Julia kristeva
Wrote gender trouble
Judith butler
French public ibtelkectual wrote 1979 work distinction
Pierre bourdieu
Gesellschaft/gemeibshaft man
Ferdinand tonnies
German/british sociologist whose magnum opus 1939 the civilisibg process
Norbert elias
1905 magnum opus max weber
The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism
Death in 7th seal
Bengt ekerot
Name the go to byzantine princess/historian and her most famous work
Anna khomnena
1071 defeat by seljuk turks over byzantibes
Antioch now known as
Main river northern kevant. Homs/antioch
First crusade pope
Urban ii